
Sounds brutal honestly

Can’t believe there is not a completely open free build mode from the start. Huge missed opportunity. You can still have the quests and unlocks for people that want it, but why in the world would you lock the creative mode behind the campaign. There are dozens of Lego games out there. I can get that experience almost

Exactly. Stand one foot in front of the television and use a few cardboard boxes to build a wall around you so no one can walk by. Its so simple. People complain about the littlest things. Who really expects expensive electronics to work as advertised?

You haven;t figured out the difference between the concourse and deadspin yet?

I don’t equate those. I just know you don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. This country fought hard to shame bigots and racists. Now they are gaining ground back in the main stream because, “everyone’s voice should be heard”. No. I want them to feel uncomfortable and unwanted with those views. I don’t want them to

I kind of can’t believe how thin they are launching this thing. They have had years to work this out. This company refuses to learn from its mistakes.

Then you will get eaten alive. It ok to punch a nazi. Its ok to punch a child fucker to get him to shut up about child fucking. Not all opinions deserve the light of day. When you look the other way, even in the spirit of the 1st amendment, you normalize the bullshit.

Ok, so if his speech at Berkeley was going to be a celebration and promotion of unabashed pedophilia, you’d support it because, free speech?

So you stare into the face of science and claim that you know everything.

Sure. If you want to ignore the entirety of this country’s history. Sure.

we haven’t seen the man’s tax returns.

This a fun theory and all, but the answer is simple. It’s a kid’s movie. Kids don’t need these kind of answers, so we don’t have them.

So, we still don’t know shit?

I don’t feel Musk answered any of the questions to any level of satisfaction.

The sad thing is l, I’ll take it because at least the guy understands the thing he will be in charge of. That puts him on the south side of 50% for this cabinet.

And hate speech absolutely isn’t free speech. It’s not your fault. Maybe your generation. Something happened in the schools. Free speech is, you can’t be arrested or punished by for speaking against the government. It has nothing to do with, say anything you want and no one can get mad. It’s part of that entitlement

Let’s replace “white nationalist” with “baby raper”. Everything else is the same. Would you support their right to free speech?

It’s not political or free speech. It’s hate speech. And we shouldn’t tolerate it or let it hide behind the 1st amendment.

Yes and no. I’m tired of letting people with disgusting and hateful views feeling completely at home to espouse them in public. I’d rather they be frightened to say such things. Secondly, this guy’s a bully, just like Trump. Bullies need to be stood up to. That’s when they back down. If you keep meekly accepting it,

You mean like we are right now?