Changing Wifi password is brilliant!
Changing Wifi password is brilliant!
I do this all the time with these commercials! Also, the under arm testosterone commercials where they show a slow-mo montage of the guy umping a game. That guy has it all, what a life!
This is being headed by Indian organizations, not "white people". It is in pretty bad taste to name a team after a culture of people, as though they are your mascots and not people? Much less people that you slaughtered. Whether the term is offensive or not, it is a continuing marginalization to say, "your good…
A kid could easily, even mistakenly, end up on Gawker from this site. You probably wouldn't want your kid to read Gawker, I'm guessing.
Why would anyone go to a Kenny Chesney concert?
A hammer was made to pound nails. A screwdriver to screw screws. Those are tools. What was a gun made for?
Yeah, I used to get sick once every 2-3 years. Now it's every 2-3 months. Kid's nose is always running and he screams like a banshee when you wipe it.
I'm right there with you. I am more selective with my game choices because I know it will take a month to complete one. I'm re-playing XCOM, waiting for Bioshock. Its all about Saturday night, the kids goes to bed, then I may be able to grab 3 hours. That's most of my gaming for the week.
"...hacky jokes from a dancing cartoonist" :)
I second that motion, or fourth it, I guess.
I think we are getting all those deals because we are at the end of the cycle and there are millions and millions of consoles out there. At the beginning of the next generation, the install base will be at square one again and I wonder of we will see those same types of sales in the first few years.
What problem other than violence could you possibly have been referring to? Financial problems? Educational problems? Looks like you better go back to doubting yourself, its the first sensible thought you have expressed. There are no sources, that's my point.
"I can say that video games would more likely be a problem than guns in society." "Guns do not make people more aggressive" - here is bullshit you were spouting, just in case you forgot. Source?
But hey if you have some proof to prove your bullshit theory I'm all ears. Cause I'm pretty sure you said that video games cause more violence than guns. Which is unbelievable in my mind. We have a gun culture that says guns are ok, guns are a means to an end, and then wonder why people use them to kill people. …
I call em like I see em.
Total bullshit.
She has to grow up. What better way than killing her teacher. Besides, Lee deserved to die rather than reanimate. I did so much for everyone, always putting everyone first. Why don't I deserve death instead of walking? Clem would regret it later.
The first time I read that interview, I thought the same thing. But I don't think he is calling you an ass for making her kill you, I think he is calling you an ass if you let it time out and don't make the decision for Clem, but make her make the decision.
I don't think the author is ragging on the mini per se, but instead is stating that Jobs would never have ok'ed a mini, because the release of the mini signals a catch-up attitude, or as the author put it, they entered into the competition. With Jobs, Apple was always years ahead of everyone else. The mini is not…