
“Baker had sent over 50 tweets and was still tweeting, going as far as to suggest that Jezebel had somehow misrepresented the police report Nostro filed.”

best response possible when women think nudity is somehow a protest act

something youll never know with your liberal arts degree. if you want to make decent money, while dealing with a daily barrage of assault and battery, feel free to join the police union.

but where will you live when they come for your parents house?

it didn’t, hes black you know (did you know that?)


is that what a feminist looks like? lol

lol yeah ok

this is how white liberals act when they aren’t out trying to save black people

having a deaf person on set is a physical work hazard, and for their safety and everyone around them - they shouldnt be there

differently abled? lol

you heard wrong

practically dead? lol

unless you are disabled, you should zip it. stay in your lane and refer them to someone who is disabled

“I am aware that I’m in the minority in the disabled community”

bloggers arent the smartest bunch

lol, black african lives dont even care about black african lives. why are you nig nogs always worried about white people accepting you? we dont like you. fuck off

lol, i didnt ask for your opinion dummy

while labias come in all shapes and sizes, assholes can certainly be blown out by being penetrated with big cocks and toys. she should have focused on that, instead.

I bet that bread wasnt even fucking gluten-free, was it? What a rat bastard, and of course they put a nigerian on the track team..lol...this school is racist as hell