Hogan Leg Drop

Maybe understand that there were people in Ohio and PA who felt like they were left behind when America was prospering (they were), and Hillary didn’t reach out to them, and insulted them. Maybe understand that not everyone who supported Trump was okay with his treatment of Women, and could have possibly been

You can call Trump whatever. The issue is what people said about his supporters.

No. My problem is that, when it comes to political discourse, the DNC and their supporters just outright insulted their opponent for the last 8 months and thought that would win them the election.

It is hilarious that you Hillbots refuse to believe that she could be blamed for anything. Sorry you guys rammed through one of the most unlikeable candidates in American history.

More like shittiest Democratic presidential candidate ever

Just stop. Hillary abandoned a huge part of her base who were concerned over economic issues. Tonight they abandoned her. She lost PA/Ohio/Mich/Wisc not over social issues but because they’ve been left behind in this recovery. They were tarred as dumb racist idiots who were voting against their interests when they