I wish our farmers market had that. I wish we had a grain elevator. I guess I'll just stick to my cascadian farms wheat squares.
I wish our farmers market had that. I wish we had a grain elevator. I guess I'll just stick to my cascadian farms wheat squares.
Along with what wakosama said, adding salt when you're cooking something like pasta, quite frankly makes it taste so much better. Instead of being bland and needing sauce, you can eat it plain with olive oil and some sea salt (not necessary) and enjoy it just fine.
Cereal? :<
It would be so much more usable if you know, actually clicking on the image popped it up in an overlayed zoom. Just sayin' because some people are going to have a hard time reading that.
Surprised that EpicMealTime wasn't mentioned even once.
Would be nice if we could actually zoom in on the top picture.
It's Linux. You can do that with code changes.
Eat Your Wii, Hack Your Less-than-Perfect Job, and Survive on a Budget.
Another tip is to make your punch faster by keeping your hand flat and straight when you throw the punch almost like a cross chop and then close into a fist at the last moment. Makes your punches quite a bit quicker and is part of the trick to the "one inch punch"
I personally stick with Chrome's Canary version. It's rather stable and with nightly, sometimes even semi daily updates, it's always bleeding edge. I like the normal skin on it too. It's minimalistic.
Actually MSE isn't like previous iterations of microcrap security. MSE is actually decent this time around. Heck, you could even say it holds it's ground against the competition.
Please replace the hyperlink for elementary with this instead.
I agree. Land training is my least favorite part of rowing. It's just something about being on the water that makes you feel you can go on forever. I can't row very long on an erg. It's just not the same either way.
I drink water with Nuun tablets for harder runs of exercise. Usually I feel very fatigued but when I added the tablets to my water and drank them, I recovered much quicker. Instead of playing a few points, waiting a few more, and coming back on much later in a game of Ultimate, I was able to do several points on, take…
That does nothing for the laptop itself. What do you mean by plenty of airflow? You get no airflow through a solid binder side. It's the same as putting it on a block of wood. That gap between the binder sides does nothing for the airflow. Laptop pads are shaped so there is a concave under the laptop where fans can…
Weird, I never got that property menu like that. Mine only had general and applications. I'm happy with wizmouse though
I dunno. WP7 shipped around 2 million phones in Q1 whereas Android shipped out over 35 million according to The Guardian. Sure, it looks nice, but seeing as how android just released their app dev kit, I think Android sales are going to stay higher than WP7 for quite a while.
Using KatMouse completely screwed up my middle click. I can no longer middle click on the taskbar to close a program, or on a tab to close it.
SolidWorks has the best ribbon interface I've used so far. It made perfect sense.
More importantly...