He totally forgot how many there were and omitted a model number 7. When this came up he "fixed it" with the stupid "Daniel" storyline to cover his ass.
He totally forgot how many there were and omitted a model number 7. When this came up he "fixed it" with the stupid "Daniel" storyline to cover his ass.
I hate you SO MUCH right now*. If this happens i'm blaming you.
I hear ya. I didn't actually believe it until they used the whole "i tried to get my soul" defense to make Spike different from Angel. Spike is the only vampire that ever willingly got a soul. Once that became a major plot point (and after a few interviews with Joss) i just couldn't stick to my "but, but, he just…
"To not care if a book is full of rape and murder, but flip out if something seems racist is ridiculous." But is the book depicting murder and rape as good things (or at least neutral socially acceptable things) done by the protagonists of the book? If so, then yes, it bothers me just as much as "casual" racism.
I figured that must have been what happened. Poor bastard.
I... ok, not to be weird or anything, but i LOVE YOU for this comment. Like, a lot. Seriously, it could not have been better said.
You know, i always thought that too! That the demon in the trials just screwed him because his wish wasn't specific enough and instead of getting the chip out, gave him a soul. I argued with all my friends all summer long after that episode.
Ok, way late to the party here, but HOLY SH*T you just blew my mind!! I love Krull, and i'm a huge trek fan and i never ever EVER made that connection! I love it when this happens, thank you!
Pedantic response.
That's what i've been telling people! Just buy records and ignore this mp3 fad.
two things:
I would just like to discreetly raise my hand and quietly join the squee-fest...
totally off topic but your username made me lol.
Next time just try reading the article before commenting ;-)
"making the fuck pretzel" don't know why, but that made me spit coffee all over my keyboard. Thanks for the laugh.
Way to milk it for the puns...
Well, it did. Thanks for giving them the idea.
had to run that through google translate and it says exactly what i hoped it would. Thank you for this!