I hate it when companies listen to consumer feedback. It’s the worst. I’ll stick with Steve “You’re Holding It Wrong” Jobs’ phones.
I hate it when companies listen to consumer feedback. It’s the worst. I’ll stick with Steve “You’re Holding It Wrong” Jobs’ phones.
You don't understand! This isn't even it's final form!
Wish I could tell you. We reached out and they basically told us stay tuned!!
It’s a rolling release like a typical phone store update. The real question is, why did they decide not to announce anything and just randomly start releasing it and even now with what seems like a very messy launch are they STILL not speaking a word about the game.
The real question is when the hell is this being released in the US on ios?
Too scripted, fake challenges (laser guns? you mean shitty fighter style HUD added with after effects), fake crowd laughing and cheering at every sentence and worse of all, no news segment.
I, shamefully, once said the same thing about texting. “I’m already holding a phone, what’s the point?”
Haha, I'm sorry I forgot the credit! It should be there now :-)
I drew the illustration / doodle :) Thanks for the compliment!
Elon Musk is definitely the coolest man in the world and possibly a Bond Villain.
Based on his tweets I'm pretty sure this is satirical and making fun of what indie games have become.
Technically his first commercial game since Minecraft took the world by storm, Markus "Notch" Persson's Cliffhorse…