Aleksander Hoff

Do not forget their lack of tablet optimization, and overall optimizing on different hardware... if you have ever tried using FB on... let's say, the Transformer Prime, or an HTC Desire HD.. you will notice how laggy and slow it is with constant crashes.

I agree... I switched to Android 2 years ago from iPhone, and this year I opted for a Transformer Prime tablet, and a Windows Phone.. and I think that if Windows 8 on tablet isn't as satisfying with as much developer love as iOS, I will be back to buying iPhones and iPad's in the future. The support, love from other

Give me the tablet app for Android dammit!

Fun you mentioned it, my 4 year old MBP 13" still lasts around 3,5 hours. Which I recon is pretty good, comparing it to other laptops I have had through the years from for example HP that had a dying battery at around 2 years.

I agree... somehow, Chrome tends to use more battery on my computer. It steals away much more memory than Safari. It is a shame, I really love Chrome.. but Google has been busy working on it with more effort on Windows, so I guess I will stick with Safari while in OSX. Firefox is also nice to my battery though, even

I agree. I guess that is why I keep buying the Apple Macbook Pro's instead of the other producers computers.. I use OSX, but I like using Windows too.. it is just that the designs and functionality never appeal to me at the others, and since the specs the last few years have been very good.. I am struggling to find

I imagine then.. bringing the camera on vacation to film with it like this.. I will need a new camera on every vacation then?

I agree :D Hehe, I also do that.. now, then again.. since I can touch with 2 fingers to right click for example, why would I want to PUSH it harder to right click?

After trying the trackpad on this I have to say that I like it! The best one I have used on a Windows laptop so far.. but I still like the trackpad on the Macbooks a little bit better, however, this is the closest try so far! Which is good, meaning the makers of laptops has finally understood that having to carry

"Just built a racetrack in his front yard" - wish I had the money for that :P Guess I will need to work harder (and smarter)!

I guess he learned how to use his toes.. or teeth.

A new interface, a streaming feature with any show I want on demand... that is a dream come true. *Crossing fingers that the new shows will be available in Norway and not just the US...* at the moment, I can only rent movies on the Apple TV.. and they came out half a year ago in the US.

I was kind of hoping that Mad Max would be a movie with old ass Mel Gibson running around hitting people with his walking stick :(

If you read my post a bit further through this comment field, you will understand :) The micro-USB on other phones does not have all the same abilities as the connector from Apple. So if they did that, the phone would need to also have for example an micro-hdmi port on the side to connect to a TV for example.. and

A micro USB cannot connect to other devices in the same way as this. That is why you with your Android phone (or any other phone) for example cannot play music through your USB connector, but only through the AUX. This is also why people that make so called "connectors" that lets you connect your device, which does

I use it to watch all the lovely commercials! (Just kidding.. I hate them!)

Yes, everything on YouTube is now HTML5, but this part is still in beta according to Google.. but it works at least ;)

I agree.. both my laptop (Macbook Pro), and even my extremely powerful Windows (self built) desktop system has problems with Flash sometimes.. usually what happens is that the computer starts getting warmer and warmer.. and then suddenly webpages goes slower and slower, until the whole browser just freezes and screws

You use Flash on a Nexus 7?! I though Google had completely removed it away from Jelly Bean existence?!

Talking about hipsters...