Aleksander Hoff

Yes, some phones has it.. but I see far too many phones that doesn't. Happily, Microsoft has it in their direction lines that when a company makes mobile phones with Windows Phone on them.. the phone has to have a camera button. This is not the case for a lot of the Android-phones out there unfortunately, like my HTC

I wish, that when someone sends a high tech, billion dollar rover to Mars... they would at least give it a decent camera..

hahaha, I see, people are taking advantages of the pictures already ;)

Actually, Italian and French people usually do not speak English.. except for in the capitols or largest cities, and even there most people are terrible at it. Trust me, I know.. in northern Italy, most people speak either German or Italian for example.

Let's just call it.. BOB!

Oh god, I couldn't stop laughing. Not only at the headline and your comment.. but the 'condom on fingers' joke also

The prices are just stupid, compared to what you are getting.. who is to say that we cannot pay just a single price per month and get as many texts, surfing on the web and other service in that price? Just like we do with a regular broadband connection in the house...

Do you have a vague idea of what you are hoping to find in 'Gale Crater'?

Oh god! We are doomed..

Or more similar to this prototype, Nokia Lumia 800 with outward curved glass. It is even more sexy than the Nexus phones.

Gotta love how we now get to peek into Apple's secret bat-cave of prototypes!

Isn't it so that in the new MBP with Retina, you cannot switch out the components as you could with the old MBP's?

Thank you, came here to say that ;)

I also agree with you, it looks to be a beautiful phone.. the problem is, that I feel as if there is nothing special about that design. Not like the iPhone 4 was released, it was fantastic. This however, looks a bit more boring and less daring than the old design. But do not mistake me, it is still beautiful, just not

No, you are wrong, no one can have an opinion that's different than mine!!!

Don't worry, I am betting MS will come around and demand the addresses back pretty soon ;)

Well, it is still valid, even if you ARE planning to stick with your current iPhone or iPod or whatever. This means that if you buy the accessory now, you might be quite sad to know that the same accessory could end up going for a huge sale in six weeks. Just imagine buying the cheap leftovers that all the stores

Yes, my Lumia 800 is also fantastic outdoors, I do not have any troubles viewing things outside on that screen, even in direct sunlight at 11. I was also wondering why Gizmodo talked about the 900 being bad.. since I think I recently read another place that it was the best phone outdoors..

My Asus Transformer Primes suffers from light bleeding on the edges, and I can easily see the gridlines when the tablet is turned off.. so I could call this screen terrible, couldn't I?

This has to be the most exciting news I have heard in the last 10 years (at least!).