

Much cheaper alternative, Boyfriend (Beta)

And I’ll just bow down in worship right now...

This woman who works at blizzard is winning at life. I envy her.

I want this cross over to be a thing

But sir! Throwing panties at your monitor will most likely hurts its feelings!

because it’s an incredible RPG, not because it has a snarky message about DRM

CDPR are awesome, I hope they know that.

CD Projekt Red make me throw my panties at the screen in adoration. Man, what a dev!

Holy hell, I need to buy this game.

I heard some of the other applicants’ names were Yoshi Sashimi, Mario Provolone, Luigi Rigatoni, A mafia lord named Don Keykong, A Georgia Peach, and a Portabella mushroom that looked like a Toad.

I think his name probably...

I mean, obviously this guy has some serious credentials that got him the job, but you have to wonder just how much of an edge his name gave him over his competitors.
