

so if i make my pseudo kinjasuxdicks what will it be changed to?

AC III, my friend. Two playable characters.

THIS is how it’s done, some fashion designers I see.

Sure there are. Many games offer you the choice to download ahead of time, which is nifty if you wanna play it right as it comes out.

I read that during the demo and said out loud, “That is pointless.”

Just what pre-orders deserve.

I’d leave a snarky comment, but it would take too much time to think one up and I’d rather go back to playing the demo. Because DAMN this is fun.

Pre-order bonuses in general are dumb, but this is just classic out of touch Nintendo.

Yup saw those in dragon age.

‘I should buy a Wii U.’

Probably the most maddening thing Nintendo constantly hear.

Seriously, all their line up for this year and next are crazy good...