so if i make my pseudo kinjasuxdicks what will it be changed to?
Making a username in a fit of rage can lead to some pretty silly situations. Just ask the Minecraft player who gave…
AC III, my friend. Two playable characters.
Almost a year after publisher Ubisoft made headlines for not including female protagonists in Assassin’s Creed Unity,…
“What the fuck is this place?!” Now that’s the sort of down-to-earth question a real plumber would ask when…
Sure there are. Many games offer you the choice to download ahead of time, which is nifty if you wanna play it right as it comes out.
I read that during the demo and said out loud, “That is pointless.”
Just what pre-orders deserve.
I’d leave a snarky comment, but it would take too much time to think one up and I’d rather go back to playing the demo. Because DAMN this is fun.
Pre-order bonuses in general are dumb, but this is just classic out of touch Nintendo.
Starting today, you can download and play a demo of Splatoon on the Wii U e-Shop. I did exactly that, and was…
Three years ago, DC Comics gave Batman an all-new origin story that he really didn’t need. This week, the next…
Welcome to another entry in Worth Reading, our weekly roundup of the week’s best games writing. There’s nothing more…
Yup saw those in dragon age.
‘I should buy a Wii U.’
Probably the most maddening thing Nintendo constantly hear.