
Go away conservative troll.

Those people are conservatives. Yes, they exist even in Indian Country.

Joseph Pearce is a conservative. No words she could say would please him.

Sure Jan.
Worst troll ever.

Like those Occupy shirts he made after visiting Occupy Wall Street? The profits from those things got recycles from his pocket to his bank account.

This is a damn good piece of writing. Thank you for it. I don’t know how much of Jay-Z’s activism has been performative but I feel like a lot of it has. I always felt that way but this cinched it for me. A man who could do the good things you listed but also perform for a vicious bloodthirsty dictator for a million

“Devolve” ... it does not wean what you think it means.
If Jay-Z was a capable mediator, Kap would have a job, no?
An NFL without black players? Hahahahahahaha!!!! Sure Jan.

It fits. He hates it. It’s true.
Good enough for me.

Wrong in every single metric but I’m sure that’s normal for you. I would invite you to fuck off in return but frankly you don’t deserve to get laid. Pathetic incel.

Spoken like a sarcastic Trump supporter who doesn’t give a shit about consent.

Exactly. Why would they keep him alive to extort money from them or possibly testify against them in the future. It’s stupid.


Now playing

The video deposition of the 13-year-old girl raped by Trump at Epstein’s.

Now playing

The video deposition of the 13 year old girl raped by Trump at Epstein’s.

We didn’t assume we could read his mind. We read his damn WORDS!
And I didn’t see a single person scream for an apology. Personally, I just cancelled his lame ass. It was his strike 3.

It sucks that de Blasio asked these people to do this because they can’t really say no or their jobs are in danger. It’s a classic misuse of power, the same shit you see from men who demand sexual favors from employees.

Well this made me cry. And in a good way, which is a nice change. Thank you for sharing. And I hope life is Kind to you.

He’s not even really a finance huckster. He did deals for one man and there were no records of those deals on Wall Street. He was basically probably that other, richer, man’s pimp for underage girls.

The Chief of Police of Nashville does not play. He is working hard to get racist cops off his force. He is one of the best Chiefs of Police in the country. When people were telling him to bust heads at a Black Lives Matter protest, he joined the protest and had the force protect them. He is serious about getting these

His cheerleaders will start the chant so he can stop it.