And no access to legal representation.
And no access to medical care.
And no access to legal representation.
And no access to medical care.
And 26 adults.
I think he has mood swings and a personality disorder that requires a lot of attention.
She’s also a narcissist, just like her dad.
I just keep watching it over and over.
That same doctor would likely not declare him dead even after his flesh fell off his bones.
THANK YOU AGAIN FOR REPORTING ON THE WEEKEND!!! This is the kind of shit that gets buried and people need to be protesting this as soon as possible! Thank you. I appreciate you. And damn this makes me mad. Another way to line this grifter’s pockets, you can bet your ass.
I had read he was a billionaire. Is that not true?
She married a BILLIONAIRE.
I did not know about any of that. I feel so disheartened. I feel like crying. Pema’s comments in particular are TERRIBLE! And I feel like her apology was half-hearted.
Also, I am sad to see you in the grays again. I read the comments and so many of them are from people who clearly should not have been ungrayed and yet here you are (and me too) in the grays. It’s a bummer. I miss seeing your comments on the regular.
I agree Jinni! They/We SHOULD be calling for every nation in the world to sanction the U.S. until we cease these human rights abuses! They should be camped out there. They should be organizing massive protests there and at the White House. I feel so disheartened by these showboating politicians!
How, exactly, did Bernie show his ass? I watched the debate.
Did. Not. Happen.
You might want to re-read that handle. It is hardly supportive of Buttigieg. It’s a slur.
You can care about both. I am sick of photo op candidates who can’t manage to actually bear witness to real suffering. He’s looked away from a lot of suffering. From these people, from the 1000 poor families whose homes he took and sold to developers, to the first black police chief of his city who he summarily…
So looking the other way is fine with you. Got it.
Personally, I think we have a responsibility to witness. He had a chance to see what was happening in there. He chose not to. Fuck that guy. I am over photo-ops instead of actual empathy and care.
No! No no no! She is a bad person. She left an innocent man on death row, didn’t allow him to have a DNA test, because she didn’t want her office to lose the win. She sent single mothers to jail because their kids skipped school. She is terrible! She throws black people under the bus repeatedly. Why are people not…
Yawn. Boring troll is boring.
Fuck Kamala Harris. Honestly. All these people are so pissed at that police detective and prosecutor in the Central Park 5 case yet here is Kamala Harris who denied a potentially innocent man on death row a DNA test because she didn’t want her office to lose the win. Seriously, fuck her. Someone who could do that is…
Jibe not Jive.