What an uneducated lawyer. Incomplete sentences, nonsense sentences... She needs a teacher.
What an uneducated lawyer. Incomplete sentences, nonsense sentences... She needs a teacher.
She wasn’t the punchline. He was.
I will always remember how awful she was in that cupcake incident. Hopefully she will outgrow that but it was just very mean and rude.
And I think it is important to acknowledge that Clinton, both Clintons actually, were willing to play race politics when it benefited them. Which was a lot.
Just. Please. Stop.
Take a nap and look at it again. It’s clever and funny. Don’t be such a grump.
You are the one spreading hate. What group are you with again?
You want a flag to honor cops? How about the stars and stripes you dumb fuck hick and/or Russian assface?
You are really milking those puns.
Don’t quit your dairy job.
Watch “Jack Burkman” turn out to be Washington lobbyist and horrible person Rick Berman.
She has lied before. She has said no before. If there is one thing Hillary Clinton has taught us, it’s that you can’t trust Hillary Clinton.
(Clearly I am fed up with this game.)
That is a whole lot of product placement.
We also need The Fairness Doctrine back. Fuck Reagan for setting all this in motion but getting rid of the Fairness Doctrine. And in January, those same fuckers are preparing to take control of our internet.
Frankly I want to start with NPR. I am sick of them having people from the Heritage Foundation or the John Locke Foundation and treating them like “experts” rather than “architects” of this mess we are now mired in.
GW’s “No Child Left Behind” architect has been running the UNC university system for 3 years and trying to make it more racist and less “liberal arts”. That was a GW initiative, not Cheney. Don’t give him too much credit. He endorsed Brett Kavanaugh too. People give GW too much credit because he personable.
Yeah, I live in this district and the women I know who voted for Trump regret it now, first because of the kidnapping of migrant children, then because of Christine Blasey Ford. It’s only the men who stubbornly stick with him, even though some of them have expressed regrets.
There is more than one fat character and more than one white character and more than one fat white character so no single fat white character represents all fat white men.
Glen Beck’s online channel.
The Florida Secretary of State and the Supreme Court stole that election for Bush. I suspect elections are going to be stolen right and left in these mid-terms. My question is, what are we going to do about it when that happens? (Hopefully not just roll over like Gore and the dems did in 2000!)
Also, he is gross and unattractive. Hard pass.