
In college, I had to buy a region free DVD from Hong Kong on eBay and have it shipped to me. I don't think the movie got an official U.S. release until like 2012.

I love this movie so hard. I also feel the need to clarify, since the writer messed it up, that the floppy haired yakuza are fighting ZOMBIES in an enchanted forest, not vampires.

I was coming to make this exact comment. The critical response to The Shallows was that it was surprisingly good. It's at 78% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. But I guess Sam Barsanti's opinion is the only one that counts.

Just off the top of my head: Punk, EDM, Classic Rock.

Maybe our combined presence will make up for his absence. Hodor.

A lot of the tone of this article rubbed me the wrong way. As someone else mentioned elsewhere, it comes off as the sort of mentality that LCD Soundsystem was lampooning in "Losing My Edge." But I was especially bothered by that bit about the cash-in reunion tour, as if that is the only possible reason a much loved

Brian Wilson would never be so gauche as to try and cash in on his legacy with a years later reunion tour…oh wait.

I was at that show too, and it was indeed amazing. But I also went to the Mangum solo show in Charlottesville about six months before that, which had much more of that sing-a-long aspect to it. Both experiences were great. I can't say one was markedly better than the other though.

That's actually a pretty good average. I'm not sure I could do that well. Reality TV is my cultural blind spot and also seems to make up an astounding amount of the tabloid coverage.

You're probably right about that. Wolverine was huge when we were kids.

Fair enough, but I never see Archie comics for sale at checkout counters in the city where I live. Maybe that is a geographic thing? I also took an informal poll of my friends last night, and not a single one of them ever read Archie comics as a kid (we're all in our 30s now), but most of them read X-Men or

Do they at this point though? Wolverine is the anchor of a major movie franchise that just had the biggest hit of the series this summer. It's the role that made Hugh Jackman a household name. Wolverine has to have a bigger non-comics footprint than Archie at this point. And I'd put him on par with Superman.

Ah yes, the Great Geordie Migration of 2014. How could I forget!

Yeah, I somehow missed that it was set in Newcastle like the comics. Probably because the little girl (Astra?) was American for no damn reason.

I'm almost certain that the house they were in at the start of this episode was the same safe house with all of the occult artifacts. It looked like the exact same set.

I guess it depends on the type of punk show? When I was really into the streetpunk scene in the late 90s - early 00s there were always a ton of skinheads at the punk shows, and punks at the Oi! shows. I also saw bands like The Casualties (punx) share a bill with bands like The Templars (Oi!/Skinhead).

Of the Apocalypse.

Yup! When I finally decided to go from longtime lurker to actual commenter on these here boards I figured I should try to cram as much pop culture nerdery into my name as possible. And I know how much the AV commentariat loves a good pun…

I knew I should have pre-cut the elastic waistband on my underwear today!

*Sigh* I'll be that guy. Her husband's name was Percy Bysshe Shelley.