Man, oh man! The writer of this article is in DIRE need of a week long cruise!
Man, oh man! The writer of this article is in DIRE need of a week long cruise!
Also old people still drive. This is a bullshit ableist take. My grandma drove up until she had her stroke. Even then, pushing herself back in the seat would’ve been more difficult than driving. (it was a buick. It was built around ease of control)
There is actually a setting you can toggle on and off for if the car automatically will get out of the passing lane or stay in the passing lane even when it shouldn’t be. The obvious answer is that the people who were already left lane hogs on purpose are a complete overlap with the people who are going to toggle this…
2-3 times a week I find a new stop sign that should be a yield sign. I have no idea why the whole country is so afraid of yield signs.
The stop signs are too darn many! A whole lot of them could be replaced with yield signs with zero consequences to road user safety. Country road intersecting another country road? Yield sign. Suburban street dumping into a main arterial road? Stop sign. But that would require the cops to give up that slam-dunk ticket…
In a perfect FSD world there will be no stop lights, signs, nothing, just an incredible series of TERRIFYING yet orchestrated near misses...basically like driving in India :)
Go find me actual original MSRPs for cars throughout the year. That info’s not just sitting in one easy place, I’ve looked often enough.
THIS IS SO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is indeed perfect.
So the person that faked the tests is going to prison, and the executives that lied about the faked tests .... just have to pay a fine out of the company coffers.
This guy is six figures in to this project and he can’t A) paint the bracket and B) can’t do better than ratty burlap for heat protection.
It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.
I love to shit on GM almost as much as Jalopnik, but everything about the C8 seems like they hit it outta the park. And now this level of performance for that price is insane.
Frankly, a LSD, skids plates and a bit more ground clearance is all most people need to get a bit more outdoorsy. The target market for the “overlanding look” is people who want to drive on some dirt roads and camp off the grid...... No one buying a timberline is taking it to MOAB and running rock crawling trails.
Yep. Another shitty Torch Tesla article.
Well, strip it down, get your best *minium welder to fill it and brace both sides, then cage the bitch.
Seems like if there was no time to react to an object in the road that the car in front of you drove over without causing an accident then you were following the car ahead too closely.
Plus couldn’t you just part out the car and make a fair amount of money?