Thanks for the informed reply instead of an uninformed clickbait one.
Thanks for the informed reply instead of an uninformed clickbait one.
It’s not “stupid”. How Apple’s competitors have implemented this “feature” is certainly stupid and gimmicky, but that’s now how Apple will do it.
Right but no dealer that is asking 30k for a car is going to come down to 10k because of inspection results. They are just going to pass on the sale and wait for another buyer who doesn’t know any better, or they will send the car to auction and hope for the best.
Once I moved my hosting to Amazon I looked into their Route 53 registrar service and ended up switching my domains there. It’s $12 and includes free privacy.
Once I moved my hosting to Amazon I looked into their Route 53 registrar service and ended up switching my domains…
Something about Friends - the TV show.
Same reason it’s okay to ask stupid questions, I suppose.
The sad part about your comment is the actual number of people that do support stricter (common sense) laws. But its not about numbers with the NRA and their paid-for representatives. After Sandy Hook, the numbers hit a high of 90% that wanted something done... but crickets.
This should be the easiest, most logical, and effective method to significantly reduce gun violence in this country. But roughly 50 million people in this country would rather have another civil war than ask their wife-beating buddy to give up his 9mm compensator.
Here’s another stat to remember. Only about 5% of gun owners belong to the NRA. Because the NRA is a fucking evil institution that represents fucking irresponsible assholes and not responsible gun owners.
I would have been okay with the Touchbar if they hadn’t gotten rid of the function key row. The trackpad is SO BIG they could have sacrificed a tiny bit of its vertical size and put in the function key row, THEN the touchbar over that.
Oh look, it’s the new 5 series with some M style parts
I was a huge fan of old bmw’s, but they have lost their step, and arnt producing something special that people will still want 25 years from now like they used too.
I’m a block guy.
Air Force should send him a bill for scrambling those F-22s
There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.
Perhaps 4000 lbs of 70K “sports car?” Was that meant to be comprehensible?
I like people who leak without getting captured.