
I use 'right click/define' like 10000 times a day. Seriously BIG advantage over a windows machine.

Right - my (minor) point simply was that the S85/65 are in fact the only bespoke motors, and all others before and since have been at least based on other existing motors.

"M continues to churn out an endless string of me-too performance machines as it accelerates away from its core principles."

The BMW i8 packs the straight-line acceleration of a Porsche 911

The slow reaction of this douchebag is amazing.

The Equus definitely doesn't look bad. It just doesn't really look like anything, except maybe other cars. If the previous generation S-Class went slumming one weekend and hooked up with a Honda Accord, this would be their illegitimate child.

My very first flip was a '87 240DL. I bought it for $100, took it to a $5 car wash, and sold it for $650 5 hours later. That car was pretty awesome.

The inside of the new X5 might be the farthest thing from "truck-like" I've ever seen in an SUV. It's more Starship Enterprise-like. And we're talking NCC-1701-E, not some Constitution Class jalopy.

TruckYeah!'s refusal to use a numeric grading system is really making it hard for me to complain about your reviews.

that was unexpected, I figured the ramp was going to collapse and he was going to eat rental van.... too bad, simply falling over; he looks like a dork.

Kinja'd (Kin-jah'd): A poorly-considered, poorly planned failure resulting from questionable judgement. "Billy Bob tried to use his lifted pickup to run over a vehicle parked in front of his trailer but totally Kinja'd that sh*t."

Musk to Megna: BOOM. your move.

0-5 time = -0.3 second

In his defense he checked if she was 18. So that just makes him sleazy, not pedo.

Let's talk about that 8 for value. If the car cost $500k like the Carrera GT, would it have gotten a 10? Probably not. If it cost $1M could it have gotten the same 8? Probably, if you use the same argument. I understand that this car uses an impressive amount of new technology, but can you really argue that's it's the

I liked it, until I saw the rear end looks like it borrowed some styling cues from the refreshed Camaro.

this is the kind of thing that keeps me reading lifehacker. brilliant!

Fake carbon fiber interior trim.