
Harkening back to Trump’s comment about how he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and not lose support, is there anything that could be in this book that would erode his support among the MAGA-hat, boat parade crowd? Things we know:

In other word, never. It’s been 50 years since the Civil Right marches.

It's going to take 50 years to undo the past 4.

Obama: poor college grades; failed at jobs he went to college for;

I've said it before, but of all the major sports, NFL players are the most brainwashed that their sport is the most important thing in the history of the universe.

Damn Nolen. Spend a few minutes doing a fact check on your assertions. It’s like a bizzaro upside down world you’re living in.

Has the real Dak emerged from the Sunken Place?

Should have kicked Karen off the flight.

Fascist government officials use civilian paramilitaries to do dirty work that they don’t want to get caught doing. This is a playbook of oppression that Putin is using now and the right wing death squads of Central America and the various orange unionists of Northern Ireland have used in the recent past.

I’ll NEVER forgive Obama for the time he ordered fancy mustard!!!! *CLENCHES FISTS IN RAGE!*


I 100% believe he’s said this. On multiple occasions. He only acts like he gives half a shit because it appeals to the armchair patriots out there.


HOLY SHIT! She DOES! I’m dying!!!!!!

Friggen gave you away.

I just need to say that she also looks a LOT like Glenn Danzig, which ain’t gonna make the rest of her life any more enjoyable.

I blame dipshit morons like someone commentary being told to dismiss those pieces of shit but doesn’t, I know their names and they can fuck off and will get bitched at the next time they dont do shit.

After watching the video can’t believe she managed that for that long, she looks like the Karen archetype and her barrio impression was like a shit American impersonation of a cockney.

Her mother’s bosom does not smell of cocoa butter and Holy Ghost.

To those wondering who is promoting the fake Lizardo account, it’s likely said troll himself. It’s fairly easy to play the ‘respectable poster’ long game and get followed by the Root on an account and then use that account to push one’s greyed accounts out of the grey. Or a fellow dipshit troll in arms is doing such.