
Unit 13. So technically, 2.

Actually, Paypal doesn't want to handle transactions with adult businesses because they have the highest charge-back rates (percentage of people trying to reverse charges) of any internet business. There's a pretty small number of online billing companies that are willing to handle adult transactions, and the ones

She was pretty good in Beautiful Girls, too. I would imagine she had made a name for herself at that point in at least some acting circles.

It's probably because this is still the most recent NBA game that EA has out. If either of the last 2 versions of NBA Live/Elite had released, I guarantee you they wouldn't have done this.

And he almost pulled that off, but the debtors decided that the money he would have gotten in that sale wasn't enough for them.

While this is the current dev kit, there's nothing here that says it's the final one, especially since there's a chance that the system isn't coming out for another year. I'm sure the final dev kit will be very close to the specs of the PS4, I'm just not sure that this is that kit.

The reason that APU+GPU crossfire only works with the lower-end cards, though, is because the APUs are still VLIW-based, and you cannot crossfire between architectures (high-end AMD chips are all GCN-based). Since this APU is going to be GCN based according to most rumors, they can pair it with as powerful of a GPU as

Believe it or not, that article was the first thing that came up when I searched for benchmarks on Intel integrated graphics.

Actually, most AAA games can run on Intel (or AMD) integrated graphics. They don't run with all the highest graphical settings enabled, and they don't run at 1080p, but they do run. They used a GPU for the recommended and minimum settings, but that doesn't mean they don't run on integrated graphics at all.

The true extra power that comes from a console's GPU, though, is the ability to go lower-level with your code than you can in a PC. With a PC, you're basically only making general DirectX or OpenGL API calls, because you can't know for sure what GPU you have installed and how fast it is. You have to code for the

8 core Piledriver would be much faster, yes. But it would also require a good deal more power than 8 core Jaguar, which would then generate a good deal more heat. And if you're a console maker, I don't think you really need the power of Piledriver enough to spend the extra money designing around the heat of it.

I had completely forgotten that the memory is supposed to be GDDR5. Yeah, 8 gigs of that would be pretty expensive.

Other people are reporting Jaguar cores and not Bulldozer for the final system, which would be a whole lot cheaper. Other than that, there's nothing particularly expensive in those specs, since memory is dirt cheap nowadays.

The porn industry actually hated it because it forced them to buy an entire other set of domains if they wanted to protect their brand name. In addition to the fear that eventually they would be moved off of .com domains, which would then make it much, much easier to filter them out of the internet on a grand scale.

Both songs (and both videos) are parodies of modern-day rap songs and their videos.

I'm honestly not even mad at them. I mad at the bullshit ass rap music videos they're parodying here. Because I can remember when they weren't all like that.

Thankfully, since we're at the end of this console generation, they might not have any more games to release for this system.

Not incomplete. Just incredibly broken. That's all.

I would argue that the difference between what would fly with MS/Sony and what would fly with Apple is actually larger than you think, and the actual reason that Sony and Microsoft don't have any games like that is money. But not in the way that you may be thinking.

The problem with that argument is that sports like UFC and WWE and boxing aren't team sports, they're individual sports. Both of which have rosters that don't change that much in a 2 year period. Actually, if you look at it, most non-team sports that do have their own games do it on a non-yearly basis (action sports,