
The leagues won't go for that unless they absolutely have to, let alone the publishers. I would imagine that part of the contracts (especially the exclusive ones) are about putting out a game every year for the league to be able to trumpet. The last thing that the NFL wants to do in 2015 is to tell you to go buy

Just for clarity: Jessie's Girl has been in Rock Band since Rock Band Blitz came out in August. This is just them releasing it as a single for people who didn't want to buy the whole game (and all the songs in the game are playable in Rock Band 3).

Just for clarity: Jessie's Girl has been in Rock Band since Rock Band Blitz came out in August. This is just them releasing it as a single for people who didn't want to buy the whole game (and all the songs in the game are playable in Rock Band 3).

Just for clarity: Jessie's Girl has been in Rock Band since Rock Band Blitz came out in August. This is just them releasing it as a single for people who didn't want to buy the whole game (and all the songs in the game are playable in Rock Band 3).

Just for clarity: Jessie's Girl has been in Rock Band since Rock Band Blitz came out in August. This is just them releasing it as a single for people who didn't want to buy the whole game (and all the songs in the game are playable in Rock Band 3).

Just for clarity: Jessie's Girl has been in Rock Band since Rock Band Blitz came out in August. This is just them releasing it as a single for people who didn't want to buy the whole game (and all the songs in the game are playable in Rock Band 3).

Just for clarity: Jessie's Girl has been in Rock Band since Rock Band Blitz came out in August. This is just them releasing it as a single for people who didn't want to buy the whole game (and all the songs in the game are playable in Rock Band 3).

Just for clarity: Jessie's Girl has been in Rock Band since Rock Band Blitz came out in August. This is just them releasing it as a single for people who didn't want to buy the whole game (and all the songs in the game are playable in Rock Band 3).

Just for clarity: Jessie's Girl has been in Rock Band since Rock Band Blitz came out in August. This is just them releasing it as a single for people who didn't want to buy the whole game (and all the songs in the game are playable in Rock Band 3).

Just for clarity: Jessie's Girl has been in Rock Band since Rock Band Blitz came out in August. This is just them releasing it as a single for people who didn't want to buy the whole game (and all the songs in the game are playable in Rock Band 3).

If the Steam Box is actually launching with Linux and not Windows, then the line-up pales in comparison to the PS3 and 360 when including backwards compatibility. The vast majority of Steam games don't run on Linux. Not to mention the fact that they'll technically have no system-selling "exclusives".

The original rules of the game basically said to play with whatever little objects you had around your house. The pieces were/are a derivation of that (a thimble, a toy car, a toy ship, etc.).

The reason no one talks about making alcohol illegal is because we tried that once and it failed. Miserably. The way illegal drugs are now, that was alcohol during Prohibition, basically.

That reminded me how much I liked Donnie Brasco and Road to Perdition.

As has been stated already, current players cannot be on the cover of the game. The irony is that the reasoning for this is the NCAA rules on amateurism meaning the players cannot sell their likeness, even if it is for a game endorsed by the NCAA.

Those 50% off physical sales are the retailer marking the game down, not the publisher/developer/distributor. The copies that you bought from Best Buy or NewEgg or Amazon for $30 were bought wholesale at whatever price $60 games are sold at wholesale, and then marked down because whomever is selling it wanted to make

Feels like a cross between an Xperia Play and a ...... I don't even know what to cross it with.

In addition to the compression thing, many times there are multiple copies of the same files on the disc to make up for the PS3's slow disc spinning/reading speed.

The demand for more power + the demand for smaller/thinner devices.

Now playing

Sex World was actually remade last year by Lee Roy Myers (who has been involved in a lot of the better porn parodies of the past few years).