hodayathink is walking in the glow of love

Doesn't the PC gaming market prove his point? No (or very little) used game sales, games have a long tail with Digital Distribution and sales. Console market has used games, little digital distribution, and almost no long tail.

Honestly, Tokyo Drift was a little bit better than it had any right to be, and the 4th was much better than it had any right to be, so I was never worried about Fast Five.

Well, Justin Lin did make Better Luck Tomorrow, so there's some hope. Right? Right???

Which is why I hover over any link for long enough to see where it leads before I actually click on it.

Send it as a link in an e-mail, and anyone who isn't really paying attention could easily just click on it.

I think you should be able to backup and restore the original HD onto a USB one. Don't quote me on that, though.

That assumes that you have to answer the call/text/e-mail now, and it's either keep driving or pull over into the nearest available parking space. But whatever it was, more than likely it wasn't so important that it had to be answered right that second, no matter how much you think it did. Find a gas station. Find a

This. It's good that you're pulling over to text, but you do not need to take up a good parking space to do, like this woman was apparently proud of herself for having done.

This is the Real World, Gizmodo.

Because they weren't going to increase 2D prices anyway. It's not like 2D movie prices have been increasing for years. Oh, wait.....

One of the primary reasons for the "flood of multiplayer" is because of pre-owned, developers trying to get people not to trade in their games once they've finished the single player by adding a multiplayer portion that, if it won't make them keep the game entirely, will at least keep them entertained long enough that

Big White Bazooka.

That makes the assumption that all sports gamers want to play all sports games, or that someone who plays Madden automatically wants to play a college basketball game. If a particular sport is underrepresented, then I don't see why it couldn't (or wouldn't or shouldn't) work.

Mentioning Rock Band and Guitar Hero but not including the last new property Harmonix has made, VidRhythm?

Or, during the time that they would have negotiated getting the iPhone 4S, they were being bought by AT&T, which would have made all that negotiating a moot point.

I'd argue that SMG has had a more successful career post-Buffy than Alyson, but I say that primarily because I think movies are a better career move than TV shows, and SMG did have a couple hit movies (Scooby Doo, The Grudge), while Alyson has 1 hit TV show (and if we're only counting post-Buffy work, that means only


Tyler. Fight Club. It all makes sense.

Because lawsuits cost money that he doesn't have.