hodayathink is walking in the glow of love

First paragraph/question: It's a little complicated, but those ads are placed there by the tube sites themselves in an effort to make money. Porn webmasters, in general, will pay for traffic, and will pay a lot if that traffic gets people to join the website. So the tube sites, when they can identify which site the

Porn doesn't want you browsing the tubes at all. I'd say the porn industry doesn't control the tubes, but that would be a lie (the reason that one porn company owns most of the most popular tube sites is a little complicated, but basically it boils down to that company purposefully wanting to destabilize the entire

I will say one thing about your first paragraph: That becomes a lot less of a problem if you actually get your videos from the source (i.e. you don't tube or pirate it). If you're looking around at tubes sites, torrents, and tumblr for porn, then yeah, it's going to be a lot harder to find out who the guy in the scene

Keni is good (and I feel like I don't see him in enough "mainstream porn" to be honest). One of the reasons I linked the Fleshbot article was in the hopes that people would click and see a couple examples of the types of guys I'm talking about. I can make a pretty convincing argument that Danny Wylde is basically the

I'd give up a non-vital body part for that film.

It took me nearly two paragraphs, and you summed it up in one sentence. I'm impressed.

As someone who watches a little more porn than is probably healthy, there's something that's been bugging me about the "James Deen" conversation basically since the GOOD piece. And I think Lux got close to it in something she posted a week or so ago on Fleshbot:

Desire S and Desire HD, but no Desire Z (aka T-Mobile G2). Le sigh. I want a good slider with ICS without having to go to Verizon. Is that really too much to ask for?

There's a very simple, very distinct, decently subtle, and decently important difference between this time and the Olivia/Christina/Scarlett one:

The one thing I'll say about that statistic you used is that it doesn't break down the type of penalties at all. They could have had more defensive penalties than anyone else, and finished middle of the pack because of a very low amount of offensive ones. To fully look at it, you'd have to at least break it down

I actually don't read her comment that way at all. I read it as more of a "Stop talking about things you apparently know very little about" than a blanket "stop complaining". Just the assumption that all day-one DLC (as opposed to just the on-disc stuff) was completed before the game went gold and had to be pressed

The screwed up part is that consumers say one thing, then they do another. If day-one DLC wasn't profitable, they wouldn't do it. Plain and simple. So while a decent amount of people may speak out on the internet against it, a bunch more people speak out in the real world for it by actually buying it. So, basically,

That would be incredibly boring for nearly everyone for at least half of the game. Especially the 8 people that aren't the pitcher.

Except that the current way of doing things is viable right now, and will be for at least the next few years. Right now, networks and content creators aren't losing money, they're just making less money than they used to. The reason they won't jump on the "new media" paradigm is that it completely ruins the value of

Piracy will never die completely, and I think you'd have to be naive to believe it will. The question is will piracy be driven so far underground that you have to be a tech geek to know how to do it without getting caught? Shut down TPB, and sure there are tons of other torrent sites out there, but lots of regular

Yes, you got that wrong. It definitely wasn't a misunderstanding, seeing as Levine was on stage at Sony's E3 conference when he said it.

It's "Android only" because, up until a couple days ago, Android was the only mobile platform you could use it on. Their iOS program isn't out yet, of course they don't have a Windows Phone client, and it was only this week that they released their PS Vita client:

Two things:

May 22.

I don't, after they ported Resident Evil 4 over and didn't give it Move controls.