hodayathink is walking in the glow of love

A little of both, but mostly #2.

Up until about a year and half ago (maybe longer), stars transferred to all sites. So if you were given a star on one site, you would have that star on every other Gawker site, too. And even when they changed it so that each sites stars were individual (so you couldn't be a starred commenter on Jezebel if you got your

Also, I'm still really pissed that Fruit Ninja seems to be Kinect-exclusive on consoles. I would kill to play that game with a Move.

They used to. I got my star of Fleshbot when it was still a Gawker site, and right now I have a star on every Gawker site except Kotaku (where they took it away because I made a joke about Jamie Kennedy being a dick).

Kinect, to me, is Eyetoy working the way it's supposed to/was expected to. Kudos to Microsoft for clearly getting there first (or, more to the point, buying the company that got there first), but it isn't a radical concept so much as a correct implementation.

Two Moves, one Nav, all bought at half price. Even though I've only really used it for one game, it's been worth it enough. The MLB 12: The Show integration looks interesting, and I'm still waiting to hear what they're going to do with it in Bioshock Infinite.

I play Tiger Woods with it right now, because I don't really play anything on my Wii. And I'm enjoying that, for the most part. I'm contemplating buying The Show and using it for that. I don't regret it at all.

Don't know why Kotaku hasn't reported it, but they just announced it's getting released May 22.

The White Sox (the other Chicago team, the one that hadn't won a World Series since 1918) won in '05.

Now playing

As a White Sox fan, all I have to say is......

I think he has a point about accessories, though. If you're going to refer to everything as just "iPad" or "iPhone", what are the accessory makers going to put on their boxes/labels when it comes to what versions it is compatible with?

Memory as in RAM. iPad 3 has a 1GB, both consoles have 512MB is different formations.

HD (high definition) actually can mean anything higher than standard definition, not just 1080p (or even 720p). 960x544 is higher than 640x480, so it gets to be HD.

Was just making sure. Thanks for the info.

Well, it is tricky.

And there's more than one phone a year that's pure Android. The point of the Nexus phones is more to be the development/reference phone for the newest version on Android than to be a "pure Android experience".

Blame the iPhone. As soon as it has NFC, companies will start falling over themselves to implement it.

It's a joke, not a troll. It's just a few people didn't get it.

The only way that the system is going to change in the way that you want it to is if we change who pays for TV shows. Right now, the networks pay the content producers to create TV shows, usually just based on a script, a showrunner, or a pilot episode (so nearly sight unseen). That, more than anything else, is why