Ric Flair's Alligator Shoes

I just got back from the theater seeing Creed. Here is as hot a take as I can give it:

I find it comical how a blog about how to make men better continually posts articles written by women.

Here is what you meant to post:

McDonald’s does shitty things? Color me stupid!


That’s a shame. His career barely got started before it was over. Hockey players simply don’t recover from injuries like that.

Fuck Manning and Fuck Denver. His awww shucks act is waaaaaay past the point of needing to be taken out back behind the wood shed.

Fuck you and all your lesbian fish eating friends in front of your fucking mothers.

“It’s a fuckin’ piece of shit.” - Nick Denton to staff at Gawker the past week.


THis is some of the most first world of all the first world problems people have these days.

I ended a relationship with a lawyer and then a pharmacist because of their 150,000 debt loads. No Pussy in the world that good....

White people insult one other by their heritage/nationality, not for just being white. Examples: Irish - Mick/Fairy, Italian - Ginny/Dago/Wop, Polish - Polack/Putz, German - Gerry/Nazi/Kraut, French - Coward/Pansy, English - Call them British/Irish/Scottish.

God damn is Rhianna ugly. Looks like someone beat her with a garden hose full of shotgun pellets...

That’s enough internet for me today. Nothing is going to top that comment.

Very interesting timing that these three words “FUCK THIS SHIT” should appear here on Deadsping in a story given the events of the past few days. Most interesting indeed.

Gotta get a Jesus dig in huh? Just can’t let the guy win with a little peace in his life from up above huh Mr. Atheist tough guy?

Feminism 3.0: We always do our best to protect the innocent as long as the innocent aren’t gay men. Lesbians are fine, hell we’ll even protect Transgenders. Just don’t be a gay man and try and expect some modicum of privacy.