
It’s like my mama always told me, ain’t no reason to be rude.

People who suffer from motivated blindness will never see sexism, even when it happens right in front of them. Do better than this.

I love Killer Mike and while I disagree with them there has been plenty of black political organizations that promote gun ownership. Also most of my favorite rappers have disappointed me on social media at this point and a lot of them have questionable political affiliations(Fiver Percent Nation, Umar Johnson). But,

I wish it had been less commenting for you to do tonight.

How dare these kids presume that their right to not be shot is more important than my right to shoot at them?

Would you have preferred they be called “decapitation bars”?

So . . . you’re arguing that the AV Club was wrong to editorialize about the questionable value of a safety feature that decapitated a rider? That’s not a biased take on the story, that is the story.

Dude. Ellipses are not the same as periods.

Maybe the bars that decapitated the kid were doing their job, maybe they weren’t. Should it really be up to the media, with its anti-decapitation bias, to decide?

The bars were the exact opposite of what an engineer would consider safe, the quotes are extremely accurate.

That officer’s name is Marine Todd.

This story is so wild you could knock me over like I was a geriatric paraplegic security guard.

For me it was probably the AV Club. I have been reading the Onion forever so I have always known about the AV Club and probably read my first AV Club article 20 years ago. But it was never a site I frequented, feeling it was a place for Film and TV snobs and social maladjusts. Maybe five years ago I had an epiphany

Stephen Hawking thought of everything.

Zay it ain’t zo.

You know, I hate Mike Pence and his politics as much as anybody, but I kind of find this whole John Oliver book thing sort of vindictively petty and mean-spirited, and, perhaps most telling, directed at the wrong target. I mean, as the article mentions, the “official” bunny book was written by Charlotte Pence, not

Yeah, pictures of food, kids and dogs. Thats all I put on it and that’s all I want to see on it.

There’s no mention of his condition also making him a charming genius.

I’m sorry for your loss. That was very brave of you to share.