
That was back when Borat was big. He kind of got swept up in it.

But he’s gonna drag us in to the real world! From behind his keyboard!

Am I missing some sarcasm, or do you seriously think that George Springer was considered a no-name ham-and-egger before this game? The guy started the All Star Game.

spirnger is a one of the best players on a team of best players.

Springer hasn’t been a ‘no name ham-and-egger’ for ... quite a while now. He’s not Altuve or Correa (or Keuchel or Verlander), but he led the team with HRs and has been well above-average.

“Jerry Rodshoffer. 945 Summit St.

“Bland but OK” would be terrific compared to Michael Kay.

By the looks of that photo, he’s a few years away from David Whodiedinhere.

Isn’t it annoying how almost any time you open an article, there’s the same handful of guys making comments? They’re not hear yet. I don’t even enjoy their commentary, but I have an almost stockholm syndrome like relationship with it,

The whole chain of events leading up to this fight was ridiculous. They tried (or at least Badko tried) fighting in front of the net. Both got sent to the box before any fight could get going. While in the box, they talked it out and agreed to fight upon exiting the box. Penalty ends, they both come out and

I’ve seen Yankee-Red Sox games have half-innings that lasted longer than this entire World Series game.

Shuddup ya hockey puck!

How can you possibly be this stupid? Would you peddle an obviously fake and ridiculous thing as a joke about any other minority group? Would you say “man it’s so funny all black people love watermelon and fried chicken!” and then when you get push back on it say, “well i don’t see how it’s racist, I just think it’s

Now playing

I saw it in an episode of Upright Citizen’s Brigade. I doubt they invented the rumor, but it’s hard to believe someone saw it here and believed it was true. Then again, we just elected Donald Trump President, so I clearly shouldn’t give people too much credit.

Well at least we know lies about Jewish people have never actually hurt anyone.

I saw it first run (with the ending that’s shown first now) and have been obsessed with it since. I do a fierce Mrs. Peacock!

Predator again

Predator again

Predator again

I can’t be in love if it’s plastic.