
Maybe if it had been ONLY Trinidad.

The problem isn’t that Strasburg threw in the bullpen. The problem is that Dusty had him throw 145 pitches in the bullpen.

Good. Stallone has a totally undeserved reputation in pop culture as a meathead. His trademark mumbling comes from having partial facial paralysis - he’s actually really thoughtful and crazy talented. Dude wrote Rocky. That movie is amazing. It’s literally the best Rocky movie (and also one of my Top 10 of all time.)

Traffic flowing freely on an LA freeway? What is that, science fiction?

Had a Randi Oakes poster on my closet door!! Although looking at it now now sure why.

I do this from my phone. The only AA box I’m familiar with is the one where we keep the coffee so we at least have SOME drug to drink.


Dogshit and gobbledygook smothered in pretentious self-righteous social justice hokum peddled by the bourgeois socialists running this rag.

Some of the people around here have been so sheltered from the Universe outside whatever spot they lived in, they don’t realize that a LOT of poor black and latin people say/use this. Including the broke ones.

How did *this* not get pending?

Ooh, awesome. Let’s make prisoners our executioners! Are we too cowardly ourselves? Would you, personally, rape him or stab him if you met him in the street, being fully aware of his crimes? No? Why? He deserved it. And it’s, apparently, okay to do it to people who you think deserve it. Or is only okay if other people

Yay, prison rape jokes! Aren’t we awesome.

Well, I hope it’s just that and not former AV club comment section peeps with new names, revealing new, worse beliefs.

when he attempted to climb a giant prop gun in the back of his stage, causing it to fall on him.

It was a good day I didn’t get crushed by an A.K.

Giant prop guns don’t hurt people. People climbing on giant prop guns hurt people.

Sounds like a Dope Show.

Courtney Love, Beck and Hanson are currently in protective custody until the guy from the New Radicals is located.

He is a fancy cydorg.