
Malcolm Gladwell did an EXCELLENT Podcast on this very subject, including interviewing Rick Barry. Basically, people would rather do something they know is worse than look silly doing something better. It’s called social acceptance threshold. I can’t give this podcast by Gladwell (or any of his other ones in the

Should probably instead consider how we accept a salary cap situation that gives neither of those two players any incentive to improve their free throw rates because they already make the maximum possible salary.

I’m still surprised that terrible free throw shooters like DeAndre Jordan or Andre Drummond won’t give this a try. It may not make them Rick Barry, but I have a hard time believing they can’t shoot 60% granny style. Hell, I can make 60% granny style.

Fuck them. They did a stupid thing and should be made to feel stupid.

I hear they want Ben Wyatt for Treasury.

Does anybody in the Trump admin not have “resigned in disgrace” on their resume?

Yup, because no one in Boston likes David Ortiz at all...

Is this the movie poster for Rocky IV Loko?

Yes, I’m sure the American people will start voting in their best interests soon. Any time now really. Wait for it. Aaaaand.....

If being in the NJ top 20 high school basketball programs isn’t worth kidnapping some immigrant kids, then you obviously don’t want it enough.

Most fraternities don’t sexually assault and piss on pledges.

His name is Jason Pierre Paw.

Here’s a preview of Detroit’s new jerseys.

Hopefully he does not want to take a guitar lesson any time soon.

First order of business: the commanders of all aircraft carrier battle groups will now have the title of HNIC.

2017: You thought 2016 was shit?

eSports needs to die. It’s not a sport.

I think it’s great these schools aren’t being a bunch of big pussies about this flap and will snatch the opportunity to punish these little twats for their misogynistic comments.