Flat stomach and healthy weight loss don’t require attaining a 6-pack.
Flat stomach and healthy weight loss don’t require attaining a 6-pack.
I think defeating weight loss myths at every turn, but it’s insane to pose the cals in v. cals out as some still-debatable topic and then immediately follow it up with the fact that the science has been settled on that topic for damn near forever.
There’s no causation or correlation, which makes not worth noting at all.
You left out 24-hour looped coverage of the attack on every news outlet.
Which cancelling the telecast does nothing but feed into. Germany has a real problem with blaming media and imagery for the actions of living people, and this is just more of the same.
That’s not remotely what is happening here. Offense, especially based upon ideological concerns, is hardly a valid reason to limit the expressive freedoms of anyone.
The fact that people think it should be censored because it may be offensive is particularly what is childish about this situation.
Sure it does. Artistic expression shouldn’t be limited because of offense taken, and religion has no monopoly in avoiding offense.
“how I’d feel if Blizz made a skin based on a major figure of my faith, and I’m less okay with it”
It’s nothing like being offensive towards a race or gender. Religion is an ideology, not a (mostly) unalterable biological condition.
Fuck off. Someone’s religious beliefs shouldn’t impact another’s freedom of expression.
I’d care. Fuck limiting artistic expression because of someone’s beliefs in an unfounded religion/mythology.
Wait, so you need to be Arabian to be Muslim now? That’s pretty fucking bigoted.
I feel bad for the disabled who are being patronized with the article.
Moreover it’s utterly patronising to people with disabilities.
Yeah, all those millenials who will bitch for days about inclusiveness but certainly never boycott a product to actually help that sort of thing along.
Oh goodie... another character that takes advantage of absolutely attrocious hitboxes/reg in this game.
Personally, I’d like to see stacking gone from casual mode as well, or at least another variant of casual mode added that prevents stacking.
Completely agree. I’d like to see a variant of casual mode as well that prevents stacking.
They need to set the balance stuff on the back burner for a bit and fix the glaring issues with hit registration and hit boxes that allow people to be killed while standing completely behind cover/corners.