Kudos if for nothing else, simply looking like this isn’t your first FPS on a PC while playing on an NES gamepad.
Kudos if for nothing else, simply looking like this isn’t your first FPS on a PC while playing on an NES gamepad.
But the Matrix never imparted the sense of true neuromuscular development outside of the Matrix itself.
Makes more sense for the bleeding effect... if he’s actually performing the movements and behaviors that he experiences within the animus, he’s going to develop the physical attritubes that can reasonably carry out the neurological motor patterns learned through the bleed.
All the steroids.
It’s not really trolling if it’s a sad reality relevant to the discussion.
“Whole comments”
Says the person who can’t cogently make one whole comment and instead chains a bunch of babble together, to a “stranger on the internet”.
Sorry, but you but lecturing me on my supposed emotional state when you yourself are on a blind tirade is laughable.
It’s not, and no amount of vague and borderline tin-foil ramblings about patriarchy change that.
a man who rapes another man, or a boy, or a girl, is, in essence, invoking misogyny to make the victim into a woman. That is the power dynamic at play
As a survivor you shouldn’t be trying to push legal precedents that would make rape cases even more difficult to successfully even take to trial, let alone win.
If you want to argue about what was going through Dr. Luke’s head while he was raping her, feel free to argue... with someone else, who is interested in a question that preposterous.
Some of them are fooling themselves into thinking that the so-called “SJWs” will hate this pose
Can Chronos be played without Occulus?
Fantastic work actually objectifying these dancers by removing their faces and their actual expressions of enjoyment.
No, it wouldn’t in most entertainment industries.
It was a party, it makes perfect sense.
Pretty sure the fact that they can easily distinguish these video games from actual flesh-and-blood women is the precise reason they aren’t uncomfortable.