
Violation of copyright and creative commons licensing can be remedied through both criminal or civil litigation. So "let's play" videos aside, Sarkesian has apparently utilized art protected under creative commons licensing, which actually falls outside the realm of fair use in any form. So with regards to those

I don't think so either. Yet you gotta admit that when the landscape of games is a lot of stuff like that, fewer alternatives, and as those alternatives grow people are fiercely negative or dismissive of them..

Be careful... when you provide them with proof of their cognitive dissonance, they retaliate by calling you a misogynistic rapist pedophile.

To call Kotaku's coverage merely "critical" is intellectually dishonest to the core. Jason Schrier here on this site basically called for game developers to "stop hiring teenagers for the character design work". And over at Polygon, one of the writers there equated anyone who found the female character designs

There's absolutely a tone in a lot of articles suggesting that the way certain games are needs to go away. Hell, the entire Dragon's Crown debacle here on Kotaku reeked of it, overtly even.

I've heard people who feel persecuted by the gaming press. I really don't think you are, but okay, own your gamer-ness with pride!

No one thinks that because you play video games that you're some kind of social cretin.

The thing is, when punk changed, it did so through creation and addition, not deletion of old punk. No one came around (screaming and yelling) that The Ramones' music was this or that and had to go.

Lol... wut? Man you sound like an invariable d-bag.

The worst? Lol... no, it is not.

Except that if you read the article, there are plenty of points, reasonably made and without hate that were never moderated into black.

Jason, c'mon now... it wasn't all that long ago when you wrote this:

If you haven't met them in person, or at least had a face time with spoon pics, then I cannot see how you can qualify them as a significant other.

No. Whenever studies look at caloric expenditure during activity, it's total caloric expenditure during that activity, including background metabolism. It's basically impossible to accurately separate the two.

If this is true then you're not working hard enough during your P90x sessions.

Looking for a source, but I recall it being somewhere around 20% of your daily caloric RMR. Thinking supposedly doesn't change that value by more than 2-3% of your daily RMR.

"Keep in mind that all of these numbers vary wildly"

We really aren't.

"So nobody can ever be in a relationshp ever. Because of the power of who's to say."

Her critics have more of a voice than she does, but that's not enough for them. They don't want an equal voice, they just want to silence hers.