
It could easily be a closeable "pop-up" within the vid as well, at the very beginning of the video, similar to the "pop-up" links that practically all youtube vids have these days making the statement that the video is an official endorsement.

Which is precisely why it's terrible journalism for her to infer anything from these statistics.

I hate to say this... but you should be fired for suggesting as such. As dude guru pointed out, we should not convict on probabilities, in the legal court or the court of public opinion.

Throwing the "white male" "argument" out as a legitimate counter to anything in this conversation is a straw man (or red herring - I get them confused sometimes), end of story. Just because JJAB91 is guilty of an appeal to extremes (also a fallacy) doesn't change that fact.

The right to free speech doesn't equal the right to publicly ruin someone, on legal or ethical grounds, else we wouldn't have laws like libel and defamation.

What a cop out. So you're saying that the public has the right to potentially ruin this man's life and livelihood on the sole basis of the application of a logical fallacy?

Of that I wasn't aware. That being said, in the middle of dealing with accusations against himself, it is the absolute poorest time for anyone to expect that of him.

only a tiny number of rape accusations turn out to be false

As a man who has been abandoned in bed for asking said questions during an intoxicated tryst with an at-the-time gf, and in fact "killing the mood" as she put it, I can safely say that you should not pretend to speak for all women (or men) in this matter.

I think it's okay to take a side on the things we know, and one of those things is his response and the response of many others.

Of course, instead, we (and I must include myself) are too busy accussing her of certain failures of empathy / compassion.

To be perfectly honest, I agree with this statement. I mean... some of her comments don't just border on goading individuals into ignoring the presumption of innocence, those comments endorse it on fallacious statistical "merit".

Wow... just wow. You have completely lost the plot with this one.

I don't fault Temkin for not getting something like this completely right. Still, he handles it badly. He spends too much time trying to defend himself—which I understand as an impulse, given the gravity of the situation—and not enough time contemplating the idea that he might've messed up.

Pretty sure it's been present since the beginning (for player vs CPU races). Kart 64 certainly didn't have it between players though.

It is absolutely rare that an individual is in excellent physical fitness and capable of outright failure of these tests, short of the very muscular individuals who fail BMI/taping. They are the most basic measures of overall fitness that can be applied easily, evenly, and fairly, without compromising overall duty

It depends on the game in question. Not all games are developed with commercial reaction as the driving force, just like a lot of music. At the same time, that commercial reception still doesn't necessitate diversity for diversity's sake, particularly when it conflicts with an artist/author/devs vision for the game or

It's very plain and simple. It's ceases to be criticism and turns into a shaming campaign when the conversation turns away from the discussion of content towards relatively baseless ad hominem, something that hasn't just been present in the comments sections, but as the basis for articles themselves here at Kotaku.

That she does, but that particular pot was kicked off by a relatively horrendous article by Jason Schreir.

When it comes to creative work, things are the way the are because the artist envisions things a certain way. It's what makes creative works mostly unique. I dabble in some music production. I throw a snare or a kick or a lead into a track in certain ways at certain times because I like how it sounds. I don't