
But neither do we owe them anything. And we're perfectly within our rights to make demands on threat of refusing to consume.

Strong misdirection of my point. Opinions are fine. But writing many, many articles containing the STRONG underpinning that these developers owe anyone anything is fucking flat out arrogant and wrong.

Aside from the entire strawman that apparently beleaguers both sides of that supposed argument, developers and designers don't owe it to anyone to support a specific social context or cause, and that really all that anyone can say about it.

It is important to note that designers/developers owe absolutely nothing to anyone in terms of a social context.

Kinda like just about every other "open world" game ever invented that has a main story plot.

Finally going open world?

This is what qualifies as first class trolling these days? This crap isn't even amusing, or believable. It's just dumb.

What on earth are you on about then. If he's not an indie dev then your original argument is moot. If he is an indie dev, what difference does it make... there is no such thing as too much content.

Lolwut? Yeah, junk indies are killing the industry, not the big name players milking every other big IP under the sun drier than that a witches teat.

Updated to Cryengine, Marble Horse Ultra HD 4k.

Generic is a matter of taste. But I believe that there is a solid amount of variety in styling between each of the manufacturers.

And its how kotaku's always been.

It's great when games can be completely inclusive, but as a form of entertainment media, I don't believe that there should be some sort of requirement or onus that all games be all-inclusive, even life-simulation games such as this.

Lulz. Strong Ad hominem. No, I've never been fired for something like this. But I've seen it happen to others, individuals who were actually good workers. You're in idiot if you don't think it's a very real possibility in corporate USA.

My guess is that the Spartans and other advanced warfighters turn against the now inferior humans and Master Chief steps up in their defense. That's sort of what I took away from the end of Halo 4 anyways, in terms of the direction the series could turn.

The leaks helped the industry from a consumer perspective, so I have no problem with them. Additionally, all of that information was going to drop pre-release anyways. Better for MS that it happened AS EARLY as it did so they could retool some of their software to be palatable to the backlash.

Yeah right...

The leak... as in the information that MS eventually provided to confirm consumer concerns?

Hurting the industry? I'd love for you to provide some tangible proof to that statement.

I too enjoy a good game of Murder Champion on Murder Bridge.