
$50 and you don't know exactly what you're getting... which sort of blows my mind (and was the reason I couldn't really get into physical versions of Magic back in the day.

everything to do with having a mind that isn't confined to operating within a narrowly-defined set of parameters

Battle mode on normal tracks? GTFO with that nonsense.

Literally the original western civilization version of the zombie, before all the plague related zombie mythos took over.

I've read that the Audio Technica ATH-M50 can be a little light on the low-end. Anyone out there ever use them for DJing? I'd jump on them, but that's a definite concern, as being able to discern the cue vs booth while beatmatching is pretty critical, and I'm already deaf in one ear.

Can't imagine, and Bryz has been surprisingly solid for you guys so far in the playoffs. Usually he gets all unhinged and starts spouting nonsense in the post-game interviews.

Watching is as well... tho I'm rooting for Chicago, haha.

Personally, I thought it was handled the right way. They went into the compound with the intent to capture or kill. In the event that he was captured, he would not have been tried by his peers, but at an international tribunal for war crimes. Unlike your postulate, it wasn't simply the believe that he had carried out

No one is famous enough to be protected. Just look at the American that joined the Taliban. Even though there is no evidence that that individual was ever directly involved in actions that cost the lives of American citizens, he was still executed without trial.

Given that he attempted official channels and was foiled by the NSA itself, whistleblowing was the only acceptable course of action.

As others have noted, and in contradiction to both your points, Russia was not his chosen destination.

Given that the Metal Gear Solid series has carried a consistent and powerful message of socio-political corruption, I think you're missing why it's a valid point of inspiration.

As a veteran, I disagree on all counts. For starters, the public had every right to know the extent of domestic spying.

It's just the people capable of thinking intelligently about games and art who are tired of it.

God dammit these things are annoying as fuark...

None of what the person in this article has done could be considered an extreme body modification unless you're unfamiliar with body modifications. Your clear lack of understanding or knowledge is showing.

So a typo makes me a shitty toddler? Sounds like you're deflecting because your argument got beat like a red-headed step child.

Being able to note or identify "textbook psychological problems" (aka symptoms) is very different from trying to diagnose full disease from a distance.

You're ignoring the potential for genetic and biochemical engineering.

No your not. The measurement of body temperature and determination of fever is not a diagnosis. It's the identification of a symptom that may be indicative of any number of eventual diagnoses, and requires additional screening in order to isolate a specific diagnosis based upon all specific observations, ie.