
Not to mention, that unless you're rich, there's no way you can keep every platform at hand to play all the attractive AAA titles in the market..... But now, you have to choose some games, and completely ignore others even though some of them are too good to miss out on.

I don't see why I need to, seeing as it wasn't the original point I was refuting... but I'll kill two birds with one stone then.

No they're not.

GG. This wins all megalodon related internets as far as I'm concerned.

Sad day when he died. The music scene today would not exist the way it does without his pioneering house music.

Frankly it bothers me how excited the community is getting over a stupid little easter egg when the game itself is still royally f'd.

You don't need to be an active speedrunner to understand or critique the task. Likewise, you don't need to be an active athlete (or have ever even played a specific sport) in order to be analyze a sport. Some of the top analysts in the major sports have never participated in them in any more than a basic level. Also,

Straight fallacy to think that you need to be an active speedrunner to have an opinion on what constitutes true play-throughs.

A missing disc is a missing disc. It changes the entire biomechanical structure of the whole spine.

Gooby plz.

A lot of people don't Kickstart something to see it snatched up by what some consider to be a less-than-ethical corps.

I kickstarted on Stonehearth as well, and while it's still a good ways off, the alpha is coming along nicely. But to your point, I don't consider Kickstarter to be a value-added service as far as consumers are concerned.

Plenty of people paid to support the device, and got little to nothing for it.

They are far from "getting better". Their handling of SimCity and BF4 was absolutely atrocious. As far as gaming companies go, they are the worst.

Was going to post this exactly.

As much as I hate EA, Comcast gets the nod from me this year for their utterly terrible (and even worse customer) internet service here in Chicago.

Typically, I'd agree with you. But seeing as XCOM had a healthy rebirth that has led to some other successful strategy game kickstarters, I think we're seeing a healthy resurgence.

Two hundred fucking doll hairs?


So many problems with this design, not even sure where to begin. Gun/reticle mismatch, lack of movement controls, lack of viable control inputs, etc., etc., etc.