
He bounced off 88's butt. The butt was behind the line.

Depends on who you voted for. I voted Hillary and actually enjoyed this article, even if it’s not satirical. It’s a good balance to this site and all of the other Post-Gawker sites.

I donno, Samer, that note seems to be fairly related.

Can Deadspin not show Trump articles from Jalopnik/Concourse/Whatever on their site? I understand Trump stuff gets views but if I want politics I will go to their sites

This article is ⚽/⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽ % sports. Add more sports. Especially the sports with a ball or a car. Those are good sports. Also, carball might be a great sport. You should’ve thought of that instead of this story.

Is this “Let’s forget some guys!”

Obvious explanation is that with the exchange rate, Toronto only receives 75% of the calls.

I can’t believe the Panthers are winless.

Me, when I saw this press conference: “The takes are coming... oh, boy are they coming.”

Mostly Cam got mad when some reporter referenced the Panthers as winless at 1-5.

Finally a pro scout recognizes Tebow as a quarterback.

Since when the fuck does Dusty change pitchers?

I agree. Leave Ken alone. Jayzus. Go get Peter Thiel again.

Seriously, leave Ken Bone alone! Garbage article.

This is the best visual to use when describing the Gawker ecosystem.

It’s like every beehive they see, they gotta find a stick and poke it, and then they whine and cry and scream and bitch and moan about their bee stings for years afterward.

Aw man let poor Ken be. He doesn’t deserve this. It’s all fun and games till Thiel comes after your ass on bone’s behalf. And then you know what happens? No rice cooker