
He did register. The police in Corvallis screwed up when they treated him as an in-state offender vs. what he was, out of state (Washington) and was not required to register after he turned 21. When the police published the report that he did not re-register after his 21st birthday, The Oregonian newspaper saw the

What do you think the SLC market is comprised of?

That racist judge is a brunette.

Sean McDonough has been an asshole for years. In the 2001 Fiesta Bowl where Oregon State destroyed Notre Dame he had some epic tantrums of the Beavs dancing all over the Fighting Irish’s grave that evening. We were basically described as thugs throughout the game and nothing made him happier than pointing out all the

Maybe they’re trying to fold it?

Where in the fuck do you find “non-racist republicans?” Next to the cancer free cigarettes?

He got 18%? In Seattle he got around 6%. WTF is wrong with you people?

What a coincidence that this guy’s explicit racism compounds with the growing evidence of colluding with Russia. All I know for sure is that treason is punishable by death and that ain’t nothing to fuck with. Even in Antarctica.

Meh, still more than I’m willing to pay.

If we legalized everything these cops would still find reasons to point guns at black people.

I think Pittsburgh has so much more than the Steelers and it’s sad how a fan base diminishes that potential cause they can’t see beyond sports.

So you’re saying that Seattle is missing out on the value of having Steeler like fans that can control the whims of our city? And you don’t understand how this is a win for our citizens? Thankfully most 12's live outside Seattle. I never knew how much pleasure Id get watching them squirm when we pass another tax

She loses the shot to star in the 2008 thriller, Donkey Punch, and its been downhill since then...