
you should be concerned at your Freudian slip more than anything.

Is it wrong that I really really hate that dress? In a way that I’ve lost some measure of respect for her? God I feel shallow

Seriously. My artistic ability never grew beyond stick figures. I’m not exaggerating, I cannot draw for shit. That drawing she made is impressive. Gold star Milania!

I prolly shouldnt post this gif or be laughing as hard as I am, but this column really brings out the worst in me and it’s cathartic so screw it:


Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

why do you feel the need to pick sides? they’re both pretty awful people.

How do I narrow it down?

I was trying to have the “perfect facial expression.” Neutral. Not too happy...wanna stay professional, but not a sourpuss. I was asked by the interviewer, “When are you going to wipe that smirk off your face?”

Zambillion Little Pieces.

Yeah he cleaned the whole house.

John and Kate Plus Eight Ball.

I’m in Rome too right now! Tom and Taylor looked so cute at this authentic pizza place we were at. I know it’s an invasion of privacy...but I snapped a quick pic of Taylor! It’s crazy how REAL they are-just like us. And guys...so in love. Look at Taylor’s smile : )

I’m lazy, so my studio bed is a simple box spring and mattress. I do occasionally sanity check my closets and showers, though, and my parents’ basement still makes me slightly wary.

Why isn’t the punishment for breaking restraining orders so much more severe? This guy broke the fucking restraining order three times before this happened!

Yeah, looks naked with a few decorations making it look like she’s wearing a skin-colored swimsuit. Hubba Hubba!

What the fuck is wrong with people?
Er wait, let me rephrase that, what the fuck is wrong with Men?

“Men are afraid women will take their canoe paddles. Women are afraid of losing their spirituality.”

I’m wondering if this started as non-treated post partum depression/anxiety that just spiraled out of control.