Well, maybe the #NotAllMen who hyperventilate so hard when women self-report the things that actually happen to them need to sit down and catch their breath before they start talking.
Well, maybe the #NotAllMen who hyperventilate so hard when women self-report the things that actually happen to them need to sit down and catch their breath before they start talking.
"A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly, and is also known as a buster. Always talking bought what he wants and just sits on his broke ass. So, no, I don't want your number. No, I don't want to give you mine. No, I don't wanna meet you nowhere. No, I don't want none of your time. No, I don't want no scrubs, a…
That's the first I've really read of the manifesto. Bless you for getting through it, because that hot little coal in my chest that was my anger cooling down just flared up again.
You appear to have come on this thread at least partially just to flame your sister and the trans-community in Atlanta when this article is, in fact, about two transwomen being assaulted on public transit to a crowd's amusement.
I mean, why do you always gotta get up and be doing stuff, boyfriend? What's wrong with smoking a bowl and watching Cosmos? Why do you gotta wash the dishes before Cosmos? Jeeze.
My boyfriend has caught only some of my laziness - he doesn't do the dishes as assiduously as he used to, but he still doesn't let me sleep past 7:00, since he wakes up for a 5:30 poop every day and stays up. (If I sleep til 9:00 he asks me if I'm dying.)
I noticed that, too.
... but feminism is the problem.
Guys exist in the world. But many have the opinion that because they don't see stuff and therefore don't know about it, it doesn't actually happen. Do you understand the difference? So while women are trying to address the real and immediate dangers that they face every day, they have to educate the "nice guys"…
They were cubs. I'm sure, given who was transporting them, that they were kept in line with pain.
Yep, better to be publicly flogged for a peck on the cheek.
Just gonna chime in here and say that that's not an extreme. I have met many men who never learned the basics of taking care of themselves and their homes. It's particularly obnoxious when you're partnered because you're either constantly hanging out in filth or you have to step in and fill the "Mom" role.
Here's what was ACTUALLY happening:
"The steady march towards death continues."
Nawp, it's specifically because the MRA movement has a pervasive ideological thread that says that feminists hate men and most rape victims are liars. CKO67's opinions and presentation are so extreme as to border on either fake or delusional. It would not surprise me if it turned out they're an MRA trolling trying…
Who's "you people?" Everyone on this thread who disagrees with you?
No, because you're strident, rude, insulting, you hold an extreme, polarizing, baiting position but refuse to have a discussion about it, and you'll reply to anyone who talks to you. You seem like an MRA who's trollng as a "feminazi," either for self-amusement, to "prove a point," or both.
Doesn't matter if I'm wrong, because that's exactly how you're coming off on this thread.
I mean, this is just people talking to you, defining your personal space. When you're spread-eagled on a public transportation seat, you are literally defining the personal space that the people seated around you get to have. Don't be a hypocrite.