
Anyone else remember the 1988 James Spader starrer "Jack's Back"?

Time to replace "Chuck Norris" with "Lyanna Mormont" in those memes. "Lyanna Mormont doesn't do push ups she does Earth downs" etc. Also, Chuck Norris is a Trump-supporting asshole.

When I was 19 I answered an ad for for a job in "sporting goods marketing" for a company called Vector Marketing Canada. I went to the presentation with a bunch of strangers; turns out the job was selling knives door-to-door. I had a one-on-one interview where I was told I was the only one in the group who they

I'm amazed the word "salad" is even in your vocabulary. Good boy!

If we're going to play the stereotype game I'd say you're probably some fat, pimply neckbeard who posts asinine comments to "libtard" media sites in an effort to share your profound idiocy. I'd say you're about 260 pounds, with man breasts bigger than cantaloupes and your Breitbart/Stormfront/World of Warcraft

My parents and sister were born in Uganda and left in 1972 as part of the exodus forced by Idi Amin. I was with my Dad when he went back to visit after almost 30 years and got to share his memories. Uganda is a stunningly beautiful country with amazingly good-hearted people who've been through (and some still going

"And that's why you always leave a note." J. Walter Weatherman

I enjoyed this movie so much more than the 1994 version with Jason Scott Lee. Try being an 18-year-old watching it with your 8-year-old brother and having to explain how growing up in a forest will turn a young Indian boy into a Chinese man.

Maybe it's because I haven't yet had my morning coffee enema and I'm possibly not reading this correctly, but doesn't the ordinance include "live musical performance" as being tax-exempt? Whether or not you consider it to be fine art, rap and rock shows are generally live performances. What's the problem here?

Yeah Shemp, me too. I never understood their appeal and my experience with their fans left a negative impact. I love Canadian music but it goes beyond The Hip. I have nothing but fond youthful memories of jamming to other Canadian artists on the radio like old school Maestro, Michi Me, The Rascalz, Blue Rodeo,

Oh look another argument from a Tragically Hip circle-jerker.

Can I be a proud Canadian and not a fan of The Hip at the same time? Did you ever think that maybe The Hip don't speak to the experience of all Canadians?

I'm a proud Canadian and I've never been a fan of the Tragically Hip. Not so much because of the band but because their fans annoy the shit out of me. I was in high school in the early 90s and my school was filled with douchebags in their Birkenstocks and either "The Tragically Hip" or the moronic "Skydiggers"

HH Heil Hogan!

I've watched a few reruns of R.L. Stine's The Haunting series with my nieces and nephew (aged 13,12 and 11) and that show is terrifying. We love it!

It's still courtesy. Sheesh…

Great rant, but you gotta "Spoiler Alert" that shit.

I like the use of music in this show. Not every rebel coming of age in the 80's was into heavy metal/hard rock. It's such a cliché.

DR. Ben Carson is timeless, ageless and above all else, clueless.

And that little boy whom nobody liked grew up to be… Dr. Ben Carson. And now you know (pause) the rest of the story.