
Trace the business tree of any media corporation and you'll find the same root: The Sheinhardt Wig Company.

My ancestry is from India so I will take the liberty to say Dinesh D'Souza is the Uncle Tom of Indians.

For a brief moment before I opened this article I honestly thought that was Mac from 'It's Always Sunny' in the thumbnail

Like many of my fellow Torontonians I would make a small fortune selling my house but then I'd have to spend the GDP of a small atoll to buy a new house.

Abra/Abracadabra/Steve Miller does not want to be reached out to and grabbed by the industry

Am I the only person who read RS's good ol' days comment as "When Europe was, you know, still white"? What is with these stars who were huge in the 70s and 80s and their love of the supposed "good old days"? I'm looking at you Ted Nugent, Scott Baio and now Rick Springfield. *Edit: This was addressed in the thread