Former Z3C and Z4MC owner; both were great to drive. The M was an entirely different animal though. I know better cars and engines exist but I’m already plotting ways to get back to a Z4MC and that S54.
Former Z3C and Z4MC owner; both were great to drive. The M was an entirely different animal though. I know better cars and engines exist but I’m already plotting ways to get back to a Z4MC and that S54.
I don’t log in much and only just saw your reply. But Steam seems to be doing okay. So either they are not attacking the principle of free speech, or people don’t care (or don’t know). Probably a combination, but I don’t think they are attacking any principles here.
Please feel free to delete after reading but I believe the “draught” in “But don’t expect the draught to end anytime soon,” should be “drought.” Cheers.
Couldn’t find a way to message you, so apologies. DEFCON is a scale reverse to what many of us are used to. DEFCON 5 is the lowest or most calm, 1 is the highest or most frenzied. I say this this presuming you meant that his ire moved to near explosive levels, i.e. DEFCON 2. If you actually meant he was super chill…
TL;DR - next time read more than one source, especially for events (or ideas) with many potential causes or factors.
A private entity or business, in this case Steam, creating rules about hate speech does not infringe on personal rights. You have confused Steam with the government. If the government did this, it might be an issue (although even then not really in this case because of below). innumerable number...
Looks like them Duke boys are at it again...
I hope what they were trying to say is that the only reason someone like Moore has a chance is because he is an old, white man in an old, white, racist state. And if so, that is exactly correct (though he might fare well in a few other states as well, sadly) and it is a good point to make.
I’m in the same city as well. Not that I had planned to visit that establishment, but I certainly won’t now. And I will let others know. Thanks for the tip!
This is one of the best (important, visceral, poignant) things written around here in maybe ever. Thank you.
What’s the restaurant (we need to avoid)?
Wow. I wish that I could read things this succinct and well written on a daily basis.
Like others have said, the comparison isn’t apt here. An employee can, generally, quit whenever he/she wants. However, doing so without giving notice (two weeks, or whatever is norm in that particular field) can harm said employee. As the semi-recent economic downturn showed us, employers still look down upon…
Prior Google phones had it (e.g. Nexus 6). I do get that with one port now (no 3.5mm) it is more handy than before. But given how tricky it still is, it seems more gimmicky than useful, imo.
2013 Merc does not equal 2017 Merc.
My only win so far included a drop and kill at hospital, as well as finding a 4x. Some drops since then have been less fruitful (I’m assuming with loot rebalancing, but maybe just chance).
You may prefer being able to pinpoint every shot when it happens, but that’s not realistic. The military has had to develop acoustic systems to be able to pinpoint shot location, so it would seem odd and superhuman to be able to know a shot location everytime in such varied terrain.
I haven’t cared about or watched the NBA since the 90s, but I do care about stats. While the count varies a little depending on when you start your decade (e.g. 80 or 81), no decade has “way” less than the current. The 70s, 90s, and 00s, all had 10 or more different teams in the finals.
I feel like you’re forgetting plantations, slavery, monarchies (kings, queens, tsars, czars, pharaohs, the whole lot), oligarchies, feudalism, etc. Sadly, this is not new.