hobo rubber fire

It would. Because my actual point was that people are making safety claims as if they are truth and then just supporting them with, “I back in because..” And that’s great. But that is called an anecdote. And I’m sure backing in works for some people in some circumstances in some vehicles, as does pulling forward. At

Again, these claims are just spurious. Safer, how? In either case you have to back in once and pull forward once. Both can be accomplished quite safely, to quote you, “unless you suck at driving.” I can back in just fine, I simply prefer not to. Others prefer to back in, that’s great, but then just say that.

Actually, I find people who must back into spots super annoying, so I agreed with the OP. And I didn’t make spurious claims of “safety” to try and support my opinion. If that fits your meme, go right ahead.

You’re right that I could have left gender out of it. I included it as the OP did, but fair point.

Nope. nice try. She stated her opinion and then the long list jumped in stating that “it is safer!!” One even said “objectively safer.” No citation. No “I think,” or “I prefer.” Had it been opinion vs. opinion, fine. But to claim this moral safety highground is ridiculous.

My favorite part of this subthread is that when a woman who is into cars (the stereotypical unicorn according to so many posts around here) shares her opinion about something annoying that “car guys” do, a whole bunch of them get all huffy and try to explain why her opinion is wrong. Her opinion. Way to go guys.

Valets have to park the car backwards ... to avoid unseen collisions of the idiots who speed down the parking lot.

How can I give this more stars? Can someone with the B-2 carpet bomb this with stars please?

Never heard of selling loosies as applied to cookies. That’s smart.

Hi-vis orange for safety!!

How can I give you more stars for this?

I disagree with your Renegade opinion, only because I liked the one I’ve seen on the road. Looked much better than the photos included here. But everyone has opinions, so yours makes complete sense.

You should probably count to 18 since 17.95 is 18 and not 17. What are you really losing by being accurate?

For the record, I’m one paragraph in and you have all the stars I can muster. That was a well-crafted opening salvo and perfectly connected with my groggy sleep-medicated and caffiene-addled brain. Respect.

You were the canary in that particular coal mine.

Except Waze collects wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much information about you. I have no foil hats and use plenty of info collecting services. But Waze is too far.

Question mark indicates... yes. Yes, it is.

I realize that starting a gofundme (or similar) is not the answer for everything and can be ridiculously abused (homophobic pizzeria?) but if someone had a legit fundraising effort for this woman, I would gladly donate.

Assuming this is just a typo..

they don’t make ipecac anymore.