These will only be entertaining until you come to the earth-shattering realization that you spent many real human dollars on adding LEDs where you scrape your dirty shoes.
These will only be entertaining until you come to the earth-shattering realization that you spent many real human dollars on adding LEDs where you scrape your dirty shoes.
I don't know if it ever made it to LMPs and WEC cars officially, but it was certainly headed that direction regardless.
One word. Takata.
For at least some period of time (not sure if it was outlawed or not) it was also a way to dump air on the rear wing to stall it and reduce drag on the straights for higher top speed. See: McLaren f-duct from F1.
I logged in to say this. Instead, have stars.
As a fan of trivia, very cool, Torch.
While I don't disagree with the overall premise, that tires matter a lot, there are too many variables here for it to be a clear win. Torque, torque curve, weight distribution, how advanced the LSD and AWD are, etc. Get a 3 series and a 3ix, and compare.
Okay, maybe I just misunderstood then. When you said "hating a car or type of car" is anti-Jalop," that is what I disagree with. I hate plenty of cars, but if someone has a passion for it, so be it. I won't hate them for their preference, but I still may hate the make/model.
I disagree. Disliking a car or type of car is okay, but disliking someone who likes a car/type because they like a car/type is wrong. Have your preferences, both likes and dislikes, and be cool with everyone else having their preferences.
this. i like this.
I signed in just to give this cranky-ass, but accurate, comment a star.
cuneiform. cave drawings. bivalve shell zigzag scratch.
I like James Bond movies as much as anyone, and I especially love the cars. So, I was excited to see the newly-announced Bond car, the Aston Martin DB10. It's very striking looking, powerful, glamorous, and about sixteen other adjectives that should never, ever be used if your goal is to actually, you know, be a…
S54 MZ3 coupe. Fewer than 700 for all of North America.
Dimenna went on to say the Tweel is focused on "lower-speed, off-road applications where downtime from flat tires is a concern," —
This is a ridiculously good episode of MST3K. Thank you for reminding me.