
First, I totally agree with what you're saying - I do the same thing - as many details as possible, good photos, no haggling. It's always worked out well for me.

Came here to say this, leaving satisfied.

My Tmo LG G2X can push 1080p from its mini HDMI port. Dual core Tegra 2, IPS LCD, metal construction - it's an awesome phone.

What you did there. I see it.

Probably quite a bit more than that - if it's a contractor, you can bet there's a hefty markup...

I do something similar, but over the years I've honed my process down to a minimum number of steps (and time).

[insert not sure if serious jpg here]

At least we know Microsoft no longer has Gates...

My point is that it would be nice if people AT LEAST googled a phrase before freaking out about it. You don't need to be a history professor to find stuff out these days. At the most it might prevent a trip by the bomb squad, and at the very least it might lower your blood pressure.

"KEEP CALM and CARRY ON" was a slogan used by the British during WWII when the Nazis were pounding the hell out London.

Ah, good to know. Thanks for the info. The inner workings of Expert's Exchange have always been a mystery to me. Much like "string theory" or "girls".

I've found that you don't actually need a subscription to read the answers - just scroll down to the bottom of the page.

@Cojo21: That's not really a legit comparison, I think. Reason being is that the old design used Sitemeter (and ca. still does), whereas the new one doesn't. Therefore, the low stats shown are only reflecting those people still using the ca. site, not how many people are using the new layout (or not).

At first, the whisky snob part of me was offended.

@BrettKS: HA! Yes, I did miss that. Nice. Time for more coffee for me, apparently.

@reapur: Except that as the new flagship phone, updates will be pushed OTA. Samsung doesn't have anything to do with that process.

Note to Lester: "Explosive Orgasm" doesn't mean what you think it does.