
Your response here is evidence in support of her original thesis that wypipo are fragile.

All those cameras make him noi-vous

I fantasize about shooting people and thing bragging about it on the internet makes me look cool.

Yes, I’m sure a YouTube video with an unrelated “angry feminist” meme in the thumbnail will have a very reasoned approach to racism.

Indeed. So sad the Democratic Party stopped catering to racists.

You mean the up-skirt jailbait guy? Yeah, that’s a hill worth defending.

They specifically targeted a marginalized demographic to terrorize them because they were part of that demographic. It’s not only violent, it’s heavily discriminatory and harks back to the time when gays and blacks were routinely lynched.

Hate crime laws throw the book at these sorts of individuals extra hard, and for

Sonic adventure 2 on the Gamecube(didn’t own a DC).

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

“or willing to sell out “them” for a little bit more for “us”

Hoping that’s not the case. Full Frontal and Last Week Tonight are required weekly viewing in our house. I know nothing about TBS show ratings, I just assumed this one was doing good enough.

On the other hand, if it makes a creator uncomfortable with his own work, should we deny him the right to change it based on that?

Hey everyone! A Gen Xer is here to tell us how both sides are equally as bad and they’re above it all!!

Remember that time when the GOP refused to seat a Supreme Court judge because the elections where happening in a year?

I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!

My first thought was that this was comedian Alan Resnick in a deep-plant Adult Swim project.

Man Living in Gaudiest Glass House Throws Stones, Misses

It works fine with me. I tried with other articles and they all came up properly, and I didn’t have to refresh it.

Crazy how much people overthink how complicated this all is. It’s really easy to understand!

Yeah but first you have to beat Boring Hot Take Guy, who can’t see a single mention of this happy, positive cartoon without shoehorning suicide into the discussion, because that’s always tasteful.