
‘kay. Or, you know, it could be something that any shop that uses Office365 or Azure have been clamoring for for years at this point. In fact, we were planning on turning on two-factor for our entire office soon, and this just sealed the deal for my boss.

Please let more publishers follow Ubisoft’s example.

Don’t hold me to this, but it should work if the RPi has bluetooth keyboard capabilities. I may just take one home from work tomorrow to test this out, myself.

So it turns out that this specific modem is a security NIGHTMARE. Maybe it’d be best not buying one of these for a couple of months, while ISPs get their patching schedules sorted out.

So it turns out that this specific modem is a security NIGHTMARE. Maybe it’d be best not buying one of these for a

Yeah, IPv6 is more geared towards the WAN than your local network. Your router should be able to handle it, provided it was made in the past couple of years or so.

...because some people listen to music more than look at a calendar?

So basically the new Jelly Bean lockscreen widgets + the grabber?

So, since they make slightly less shitty pay than the already shit pay that's average (which includes non-production jobs), we should buy Apple?

Here's mine. I just like keeping shortcuts to different drives on my computer.

A virus can be installed to the BIOS of a computer, which can run all sorts of nasties like rootkits and the like. Because the BIOS is the low-level medium between the OS and the hardware, no amount of formatting is going to help. The only fix would be a fresh, clean BIOS made for that EXACT hardware.


I like the screen. I really like the screen. The resolution is fantastic, and the size seems perfect. Unfortunately, I can't stand using iOS anymore after 6 years of the same thing. It just seems stale. The only complaint I've had after owning my GNex for about 7 months is that the phone itself is unwieldy. Give

This just makes me miss my Palm Pre... +sigh+

...it really doesn't look that bad.

I just had to cancel my subscription. Feels bad, man.

I really like the fact that Rdio has a web interface as well as a desktop app, but I've had much better luck with Spotify's music library and apps, especially after their Android redesign