
I’m drunk at 10 AM (long story) and when I first saw this, I actually thought to myself “so they covered up Palmero’s name in the graphic. Big fuckin deal. I was ready to declare “fake news” until the comments enlightened me. Alcohol is a hell of a drug.

As a Maryland native, you must love these.

Cool article that assumes everyone works in an office in the Northeast. Highly relevant to 15% of the population.

All those people filming are kinda crazy. It’s good to get a little bit of footage, license plate, etc. But to keep on filming in his face is... my first instinct would be that if that dude had a gun, we’re in potential mass shooting territory.

Fake News. You libtards misunderstand everything. SJW is an abbrevation for Starfleet Judiciary Wonks. He’s obviously talking about lawyer cadets asking him how he managed to hijack a ship, destroy it, and make off with exactly what he wanted as punishment. This is why the media needs to be reigned in. #sad #mediabias

What makes you think I haven’t? It really is the arrogance of other parents to think that because I don’t necessarily want my son getting it on in my house, that I haven’t been a good parent and done everything I can to prepare him for life.

And just to clarify, let them figure it out doesn’t mean we should ignore sex ed. What I meant was, I had to craft and conive how to have an amorous experience, let them do it too. I’m willing to give my son condoms and lecture him about respecting women. But I’m not willing to let him go at it in my house without the

Where you a teenage boy? If you were and thought about “being a loving partner”, you’re a good man and I honestly salute you. That wasn’t my experience of being a teenage boy and I don’t think it’s the experience of most. You can’t suppress biology. Older men should thank God every day that they don’t have the

The thing that would worry me is that it’s not only my own kid I’m making the choice for but someone else’s. I mean, it’s great if you and your kid’s high school girlfriend’s parents have a close relationship where you can decide in a great big foursome. But that doesn’t seem realistic. Maybe if I had a daughter I’d

I support Obamacare. But I also think that it’s possible to dislike it and not be a Mr. Burns caricature. Overall this was a pretty good take. It’s far better than the “fuck John McCain” I’ve seen so much the past couple of days.

You sure you don’t mean the border patrol? For better and worse ICE and the border patrol aren’t the same thing. The border patrol is also there to protect against smuggling, etc. Maybe you shouldn’t paint everyone with such a broad brush.

Say “Days Inn”. I get paid $.0001 every time you do. I knew that deal would pay off eventually.

What everyone else sees: funny article about assholes in the gym.

My wife and I only buy gas from Costco and it saves us twice what we pay in membership. Costco and PSLs aren’t even close to being the same thing. The business strategies are different. Costco uses an upfront cost and lack of amenities (like bags) to keep the cost to the consumer low. PSLs exist to extract the maximum

People who take joy in their friends’ happiness.

Don’t know why everyone’s hatin on gender reveal parties. How did you guys tell your family about your baby’s gender?

Hot take alert.

Nothing like seeing some stupid action and seeing everyone say variations of Darwin award as if we haven’t done stupid things that could have turned out horribly. You’re all geniuses and humanity is lucky to have you, sociopaths.

He’s term limited.