
Pink Floyd tried to warn us about this dark side like forty years ago.

TLDR; being a tennessee fan is the worst. i haven’t put this many words together in one sitting in a long time...i apologize for the length and my shitty writing. i just feel like this needs to be shared, lol.

You fucking kidding me? You have a chance to use the alliteration at the beginning of “Houdini” and the phrase “Whodiedinhere” and you bring that lazy shit into the paint?

Are the godawful “color rush” uniforms less godawful this year? Or are the Chiefs protesting and wearing their regular unis?

He looks more like a Kyle to me.

Also, the safety is the only play in football where players celebrate by impersonating the referee.

What, Exactly, Does “All Of Australia” Look Like?

True heroes. They’ve been protesting for most of the last 25 years now.

Wow, Oakland can’t even keep their Civil Rights attorneys from heading to Vegas.

Hi, CPA here, taxation is not driven by who has physical custody of cash. Just like when money gets loaded onto the Brinks truck and they don’t get taxed. To be considered a gift the money would have to be given with no strings attached. Now please stop.

Saw the tag for “Orbit” and was curious if Deadspin had anything else on the mascot.

Huh, didn’t look like a Ferrari 

So that less of the important contextual car positionings can be seen.

Mayweather was never “225 to 1" to lose, or anything close to it. The odds on Mayweather opened at -2250, which isn’t “225-1" but more like 22.5 to 1. Really, it’s the amount you’d have to bet to win $100.

That wasn’t the line

“I’ve never seen Conor McGregor fight. I don’t watch or care about MMA. That’s not a statement about, or condemnation of, McGregor or MMA; it speaks only to my own preferences and biases.”

Just want to put out the list of guys with 3,000 hits/450 HRs

The first thing he said when Bannister came out:

Like some sort of ban?